Why I may have not replied to messages!

Mar 24, 2005 16:26

So I just found out when I went in my user settings that my email adress was from an old domain I owned called oldthink.com, so if I have not replied to your messages it is not because I hate you (well perhaps it would be with some of you haha) but merely because I got no email notifications, and have not checked my LJ in forever. I have actually considerred becoming active on LJ again, perhaps partly out of boredom, although the idea of becoming members of some discussion communites is apealing at this time.

http://www.punkandpissed.com <---still selling shirts, anybody who wants anything can contact me privately and get a better price than frickin' ebay (Perhaps I will do a rant one day about the intelectual property rights nightmare that is the VERO program).

I have to edit some prefrences here, and respond to some people.

Ohh yes, the new Ramones movie End of the Centuary should be considered mandatory viewing
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