King Rocker.....King Kong

Dec 18, 2005 16:17

Last night i went and saw King Kong with my parents and holy crap was i fuckin sad. I had to hold back my tears so hard and eventually let them flow as we drove home. Seriously, i was freaking PISSED! How dare they bring Kong to this stupid country and then kill him for being afraid of this new world. Honestly. UGH. It made me really look down upon the human race and realize how ignorant and greedy we are. I wish i had the will to become a vegetarian. I absolutely HATE animal abuse and mistreatment, and yet i can't help but eat meat. Wtf.

Dear Snow,
I really hate that you chose to visit me during my winter break as i now have to stay home and am unable to go out as i had planned. I want you to know that you are a HUGE inconveinence to me and i hope you take leave soon, but please do come back around Januray 8. Thanks.
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