Nov 22, 2016 10:32
The shock is wearing off, but the country has become a cavalcade of atrocities, each one more worrying than the last. Our president elect, a madman on a power trip, has emboldened the fascist right, and hate crimes are spiking like it's 9/11, except nothing has happened, it's just hate for no reason.
The Trump voters are very quiet in this time, as they realize what they've done. They've elected someone who has given legitimacy to the ugliest parts of America, and they're now rising. The greatest generation, the ones that fought and defeated Hitler, those that are left are now watching as people do the Nazi salute on national TV, saying "Heil Trump."
I don't know what to do anymore. There's the obvious things, like calling your representative (Mine's in a hard blue state, so really not much help there), take martial arts courses in case I need to come to someone's aid, and be as much of an ally as possible while raising the alarm regularly on social media. Keep on screaming that THIS IS NOT NORMAL. THIS IS NOT AMERICA. THIS IS A BAD THING. All while wondering when I'll be placed on a watch list for social media activity, if I'm not already on there.
There's talks of internment camps, of a committee of unAmerican Activities, and all manner of other awful things, while in the mean time, all of the promises Trump made are being ignored- no wall, no jail for Hillary, and Obamacare isn't going to be shut down. It's like he was just making empty promises, and the idiots who listened to him ate it up like the morons they are. It's like he's a TV personality, not an actual politician with any experience.
So I guess in the mean time, I've been distracting myself as much as I can in an attempt for self care. On weekends I drink heavily, although I'm trying to cut that out, or at least limit it for my own health. I've been watching a lot of really good animation lately. I've been watching the local political games like a hawk, as the municipal internet issue I've been monitoring and fighting for is still going on, frustratingly enough, as some whiny special interest groups continue to push against it. Life continues, it evolves, it slowly changes over time. In the dead of winter, it's hard to find things to do, but I find them. Videogames help the most, as when it gets dark around 4, there's really not much to do, and with an energy level that's practically nonexistent, there's no real point in anything. Hooray SAD.
Frustrating thing about the energy levels, though, is the flip side is insomnia. Every now and then, the lethargy will break, and I will be fucking wired as fuck. Totally awake. And usually this is once I get into bed. I'll be fighting off the urge to nap all day, but once I get into bed, sleep eludes me, I can't get comfortable, everything itches, I can't turn off my brain. But, hey, if it's 3pm, a nap on my office floor sounds great.
I guess I need to follow my goals better. I've been wanting to lose weight, but that's not going nearly as quickly as I'd like, given that I don't have the same level of time to work out, and my job is largely sedentary. I run at least 3 miles a day, but that just keeps me where I'm at, it doesn't burn anything. I'm trying to eat healthier, but I usually cheat on weekends and eat and drink too much, which fucks that up. I think I need a life/health coach, as I want to get a lot thinner. Soon.
In any case, I don't really have much else to say. America kind of sucks right now, as we have a crazy fascist coming into office who has a pretty good chance of being impeached immediately as the list of impeachable offenses keeps on growing. However, his VP is a bigoted monster, so that's not much better. I just don't get how we got here. I mean, I do, but it just doesn't seem real. It was a protest vote for a fascist, while the left's populist was dismantled by the internal system for inparty benefits.
Whatever. I get angry every time I think about it, so I think I'm not going to think about it for a while. Maybe. Until I get into bed, then I'll be unable to sleep, and ponder it nonstop. Hooray what this election cycle is doing to my mental health.
Germboy, out/Peace.