(proper happy posts are following, promise ;) )
I think all the spoilerwhores out there like me have heard about the latest spoiler, mentioning that Gen is gonna be in the Meta/ 4th wall episode....
well.... drumroll... (okay you're not gonna be surprised ;P).. I'M SOOO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! (why??? because I fucking wrote it!! I mean, kinda ;P you know, in Under Falling Leaves ;P)
did I like Ruby 2.0? No, I didn't. Did I like Gen's acting? hm, I was pretty meh about it. Does it mean I'm hating the show/ Gen/ the world/ Sera/ Jared/ Santa Claus for it? HELL NO.
I don't get why there are still people out there telling us over and over how bad the show is and how they don't like it and how there should be more Cas/Trickster/Santa Claus/ whatthefuckever and STILL.BE.HERE.
nobody always likes everything. Supernatural isn't the best written perfect show in the world and never has been. but saying it's totally bad and saying it since THE SECOND FUCKING SEASON... you know, there might be something srsly wrong with if you still stick around with something you actually don't like.
and I know some people say that they can write in their own journal whatever they want and that it's only their own busines... well, I kinda don't agree. It's a LIVEjournal on the fucking internet and hating on people (I'm talking about the serious stuff here) on here is still really disrespectful because other people are going to read it. it's not a real journal that you don't show anyone! it's live, online and for hundreds or more people to see!! what the hell is private about that?!
and normally I wouldn't point something out in detail so the person would know I'm talking about her (I defriended her right away and don't remember her name) but I HAVE to tell you about this: she actually wrote Jim on his twitter that WE (how dare she??) don't like Gen on the show and is now actually pissed that he didn't react well and she actually thinks (I'm not kidding) that she has the right to tell him that because she has the right to her own opinion??!?!!!!! how stupid can anyone be to think that having your own opinion and walking up to another person and telling him that you don't like the wife of a close friend is the same?!!!?! really??? since when??
*screams until she is calm enough to go on*
I know I've said it before. If you feel offended with my opinion, please defriend me. we only would make each other more angry than we already are. I don't need you. You definitely don't need me. We are not real friends. It could have been a great thing between us, we could have shared some very cool moments, but if we don't agree on important things like this, we just don't belong together. please leave. thank you.
okay. now I feel better. need to get some things done in the house and hopefully be back online soon. take care flist!