you can find sooo many spoilers
here! I have to go to bed so I won't be able to see any vids before tomorrow night, but OH MY GOD! All those amazing spoilers! we get the time jump! FIRST YES! We get Sam being out of hell an not telling Dean that he's alive! SECOND YES! We get Dean living a normal life with his little family and then having to go back to hunting! FUCKING YES!
ohmygod, the POTENTIAL! I know that this can go very very wrong and my stomach is turning already at the thought of how many people will scream again that they hate our show and will stop watching and bla bla bla (did you notize that they keep saying that EVERY FUCKING SEASON?! and they're still there, complaining about everything they can find), but I'm sooo excited!
I don't know if it's because I'm an author myself (okay, that sounds too much, but you know what I mean ;P) but the starting point of this season is amazing! It's like we're having all options again and it makes me all tingly when I think about how they might tell their story now. With all the history they want to uncover. With all the new lore they want to dig into.
I'm sooo mega happy with this! But hey, raise your hand if you didn't expect that from me :D