since I'm spending hours and hours in front of my computer, writing, I thought I needed a break. :)
Stolen from
chica_charlie "Name your 15 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms."
okay, let's see:
1. Supernatural - Dean/Sam
2. Prison Break - Michael/ Sarah
3. Charmed - Cole/ Phoebe
4. Eureka - Jack/ Nathan
5. X-Files - Mulder/ Scully (my first OTP!!)
6. Leverage - Eliot/ Hardison
7. Smallville - Clark/ Lex
8. One Tree Hill - Lucas/ Brooke
9. Dawson's Creek - Pacey/ Andy
10. Buffy - Buffy/ Angel
11. Lost - Sawyer/ Jack
12. Sarah Connor Chronicles - John/ Derek
13. Dollhouse - Echo/ Paul
14. Firefly - Inara/ Mal
15. Heroes - Nathan/ Peter
... hm ... can I say that I'm really proud that there are EIGHT het-couples?! *hides* (yeah, and I might have a thing for brothers on TV ... *is ashamed*)