.... getting my rl in order.
lol, that worked well last week ;) back on the job and already no time anymore. And this year, I even have three jobs. I work (per week) 40-43 hours in my main one, then 3-5 in another and a few night the month in a third. Money is still my main issue, and being surrounded by people who really have money (at work and among my friends) is not making it better.
I also really need to lose some weight and get more healthy. My health is really not good, I'm not sick at the moment, but my body is like a small ticking bomb and I really need to get my immune system in a good shape. And my body too wouldn't be so bad, huh? ;P the great thing is, that a fitness studio I'm already a member of (but which is really far away from) will open a new building really close to me. \o/ that makes it a looooot easier for me to keep my goal to go there more often :)
the most important thing: I need to finish my distance study thing. I didn't do anything for it last year and now I only have until November to get this whole thing done. This is another reason why I have to cut back on the writing front.
yeah, that's pretty much it. There's a lot of stuff to do this year, but I'll try the "no pressure" and "baby steps" way right now which works actually quite well for me. :)
also, two of my friends are pregnant!!! (both boys, I can't wait!!) And if everything works out according to plan, my brother and another close friend are going to move to my town this year so I'm super excited about that! :)
alright, this is it for my posts right now. I'm still watching all the shows (srsly, all of them ;P), Supernatural was AWESOME last time, the trailer for Hawaii-Five-O is freaking me out and OHMYGOD only minutes until REICHENBACH!!!!!!!
love you guys, have a great time and see you soon!!!
ps: my new tattoo :)