DAY 12 - a theme tune from a programme you watch now:
Well I am slightly confused about that, I mean I still watch a lot of stuff but I also watch series now that have been finished for quite some time. Like Friends. I still watch it from time to time, just like Charmed. So yeah I think I will just use the song from the serie that I am most amoured with right now.
Well that would be Queer As Folk. I love this serie. I also know that there are loads of people who can't stand the serie mostly because it is about gay man and lesbians, or fags as Brian Kinney would say. Well I love this serie. Mainly because it actually covered some very serious issues, like drug abuse or cancer or a bashing, or even as simple as cheating on your partner. I also love the actors for actually going through with this serie for entire 5 seasons. It moved me and it is on my list of always rewatch. As I am doing right now. That beeing said: Ethan go away!
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