[ public post *hate mail* ]

Dec 09, 2002 15:41

aww look. i got my first hate letter ;\

From :

Reply-To :

To :

Subject :
From a former friend.

Date :
9 Dec 2002 03:16:44 -0000

Learn how to fucking spell, damn it. See this?
Here it is, several more times.

Use it when using a fucking contraction. There's no such word as dont. It's
fucking don't. jesus god damn christ. There IS a word to describe YOU. It's
"stupid", and it does a good job of it too.

Just what the fuck is this arnt crap? Shitfire. Try AREN'T. You'll look more
intelligent, and believe me, it doesn't take much from reading your precious
little "friends only journal". You know why people at school would read it? So
they could laugh at how fucking stupid you are.

I can't freaking believe I once thought you were cool. You're so fucking lame.

This message has been sent via an anonymous mail relay at www.no-id.com.

hm...i will type things the way i want to type things. i fucking went to middle school. yes i am aware that there are 's when using contractions. *rolls eyes* i dont use them though cuz its easier for me to type. i dont know how anyone could get so pissed off over such a thing. What a fucking loser. oh and i dont want people from school reading this because i dont want the whole fucking school to know about my life. and another thing...why did this person email me anomonously..? what a chicken shit. and next time if you want to judge me by the way i type, dont use fucking lame ass anomonous email accounts. if you have something to say, then show yourself. k thanx bye :P

DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT ARNT ARNT ARNT ARNT ARNT i will fucking type however the fuck i want. bitch. hm...whoever this is, comment me. im just dying to know who this dumbass is... *laughs*
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