(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 16:08

So i think its been 2 weeks since my last update. you people probably think i dissapeared off the face af the earth or something. well...i didnt. still in falkensee. lol you cant get rid of me THAT easily.

so i have the present for my parents...but i still need to mail it. and....well im far from done with my chrsitmas shopping i need to finish that. but thanks to my STUPID art klass...ill only have one day to do it. cuz i gotta present this stupid presentation about Land Art tomorrow to the class. and then On friday we leave for Munich. (and then sweden. :-D) so basically i need to seriously hope that i can get all my shopping done before like...5. cuz the post office closes at 6. *barfs*

oh but i cna go tomorrow after school. lol. yes...so with 2 days i should be able to do it. *crosses fingers*

Last weekend was the second Rotary trip. SO MUCH FUN. Though in a compleatly pointless location. It was sooo freaking complicated to get there! we had to take 2 trains and a bus. and we missed the first bus (because our train was late) so we had to wait 2 hours for the next one. GAH. There was nothing special about Bad-Saarrow (the town the thing was in) and i was like 'why so much effort for no reason!' Sabrina and i figured that it must have been some kind of test. "If you can figure out how the hell to get here....you can stay. lol. so its a good thing we got there.

mind you i basically steered away from americans. lol. it was me, Canada, and the latin americans. (and italians :-D)and beleive it or not it was a FANTASTIC weekend. not because of rotary though. they organized these STUPID lectures for us. there was one about germany (i didnt listen to it...so i cant tell u what it was really about...but it was freaking boring) and one about religion (?????!!!!) and they took us to the church..where this guy gave a speech slower than molassas. i swear..if he had talked any slower he would have been speaking Latin. He was even pausing IN THE MIDDLE OF WORDS!!!!

For your benifit, a translated impression:

"Wel...come.....to....the...Bad-Sarrow....Cathedral.....This Cathedral...was...first built in...."

Im not even kidding. it was bordering on insulting. i was kinda like "ok, ive been here for 4 months...I UNDERSTAND YOU!" Mind you one of the americans hasnt learned a WORD of german. i swear! at the beginning of the meeting we all had to stand up, say our name, country (and state in the case of USA), where we were living now, and rotary club. (in german of course) and she COULDN'T DO IT! and i was jusst flabbergasted. i mean...i think you would have to TRY to not be able to say at least that much in given language after 4 months in given country. i was extreamly dissapointed in her.

but anyway. watever. i especailly hung out with Alfonso (4rm Argentina). (well when he wasn't with Laura) We were pretty much amazing together. But he's leaving in a few weeks to go back home. IM GONNA MISS HIM! *sniff*

Alfonso (Aregntina) and Mahrgehrita aka Maggie (Italy)

Laura (also Italy) and me ;-D

Alfonso and me

Carlos (Ecuador), Maggie & Laura (Italy), Girl from Brazil, Alfonso (Argentina), and Other girl from brazil (i never pretened to be good at names. lol)

Alfonso and me Again.

hehe Laura takes funny pics. Her and Alfonso. o_0. i would say "stupid"..but i did the same thing so....*shrugs*

The Hotel we stayed in. Isnt it cute?

I think he should make Coca-Cola commercials

and maybe i should join him. :-D (btw, those are REAL glass bottles of it)

Bus Photo!

He Stole my camera and took all these photos...

Me 'n' Fa (Tiwan i think)

Some old WWII bunker. taken by russians...then by germans...i dunno. i was busy taking pictures! lol

The took us to have coffee and Christmas Cake in this ADORABLE little shop. That the girl from Japan next to me.

The door was in the middle of the building...and i thought it was funny.

Carlos and Me

My guitar playing Argentinian...and his Italian. lol.


It smells so good outside right now. like cold, and christmas and...just holiday smell. YUM.

and i miss kimi. i want her to come to berlin NOW. (but she might be coming on summer trip with me! one month traveling around europ with kimi???YESS lol.

ok...im of to finish that F****** presentaion for art class.
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