(no subject)

Mar 02, 2007 10:00

im bored in info...and guess what kate does when she's bored in info...she bullshits around on the internet.

wich comes to the result...i discovered that if i managed to save $1000 US dollers...then i could afford to go to Peru for a few weeks. (because saving $1000 dollers while in ur freshman year of college is SUCH a happenin' thing.) BUT! now i have a ballpark...thats cool.

do u know that song "good morning heartache"? that song is me right now. im just living with this thing...its always there, adn when i wake up in the morning its just sorta like "ugh...good morning...your still here..." mehh.

but thats life...right? and...i love hooka. its just...amazing. and tequila tastes absulutly NASTY if u dont have the salt and the lemon. use the salt & the lemon...it makes it 6 times as fun anyway.

dont forget to do your german grammer hwk during lunch break. and dont forget to go to jana's house for grammer lessons! (like last week)

$1000 dollers....
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