Mini-AutobiographyThe BasicsFull Name:Lexsie Ann Fulcher Primary Nickname:lex-poleon! :P Other Nickname:Lex Birthday:Sptember 27 Hair Color:dirty-ish blondish Eye Color:hazel Height:late time I checked...5' 2 and one quarter Skin Tone:pale I suppose... BackgroundMother\'s Name:Lynn Father\'s Name:Johnny What do you call your parents?:when I'm mad: Mother and father...but otherwise Mama and daddy Married or Divorced?:married (YAY!) Too many people get divorced these days.. Siblings?:2, a brother and a sister Pets?:a dog, cat and a gazillion fish Did you grow up in a different place where you live now?:well yeah I grew up in richmond Hill...or around there Where did you spend your summers as a child? home... What elementary school did you go to?:marshpoint Who was your favorite teacher in elementary?:I believe it was... hmm.. Mrs. Hodges? She had this obsession with Snoopy :) Who were your best friends?:Nancy F. and Emily B. pretty much What junior high did you go to?:I'm not telling you. Who was your favorite teacher in junior high?:FINA!!! WOO!! I LOVE her!! :) Who were your best friends?:both Nancys, Kari, Emily,tiffany, Jaime, Lance, Justin,and Daylenid:) What high school do you go to?:... Who is your favorite teacher in high school?:it's between Mcckay and Whitefield :) Who are your best friends?:Both nancys, Tiffany, Justin, Jaime, Katherine, my youthgroup :), Shelby,Kc, I've got a lot of best friends actually..., Did you attend mostly private or public schools?:public FavoritesCity:I dunno... Vacation Spot:the only 'vacation spots' we've been in are theme parks...I loved Carowinds... Sports:soccer Restaurant:HAS to be either Olive Garden or Piccadily Season:I love something different about each season...I can't choose.. I love the feel of fall alot though...maybe that's the one... Holiday:Christmas Actors:Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Jeff Goldbloom, Ewan Mcgregor, George Clooney, David Spade,Henry Winkler , Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis... Actresses: Katherine Zeeta jones,Uma Thurman,Audrey Hepburn,person who plays Trish on Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy... Athlete:Hahaha I dunno...? Athletic Team:the seatle seahawks :P It's possible and shamefully the only one I remember... Recent Memory:hmmm... oh yes, calling Dylan to wish him a happy birthday... Older Memory:eating a cockroach....I love the part that I never remember, but my mom tells me that right before I stuck it in my mouth I told her it was my 'little firiend" Hahaha :P Number:5 Color:I'm not sure...maybe emerald, maybe maroon Phrase:"hah, I'm just kidding" Movies:Goofy Movie, The Little Mermaid, The Count of Monte Cristo, Mulan, Pirates of the Carribean, Manican, Neverending Story, Two weeks notice, Miss Congeniality,and lots more... This or That?Lefty or Right?:I'm not a lefty, but I like that word... Rock or Country?:actually *all gasp* Country Coke or Pepsi?:pepsi, coke's really bitter I've come to realize McDonalds or Burger King?:Mcdonalds (even if it is incredible bad for you) Skiing or Surfing?:wooo surfing dude! East Coast or West Coast?:East coast!! Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?:Angelina Jolie! one of my friends really looks like her... Jude Law or Paul Walker?:Jude law!! :) very nice looking I must say. Snow Day or Spring Day?:Snow day,I've never seen snow, and I'd love to Have You Ever..?Gone skinny dipping?:hhmmm should I tell you? yeah I did when I was about ten years old so it doesn't count. Smoked anything?:no sir. Been in love?:Haha I thought was a million times but nope, I haven't found the real thing yet in a relationship... Been out of the country?:nope. Made a snow angel?:aww no. :( Had detention?:yes....for being tardy too many times... Haha I'm a REBEL!! :) Laughed so hard you cried?:yea, definitely at Nancy's house :) Cried so hard you laughed?:yeah after I took a chemistry test to find out that there was another side of the test I didn't do and I was failing that class beforehand What makes you?Happy?:love, friends, random but kind things people do, being included, amazing miracles only the lord could do, and smiles Sad?:When people don't agree that wholesomeness DOESN'T mean Hunkydory, Other people that are sad, when people cry, arguments sometimes, myself, when I fail someone else... Blush?:guys, uncomfortable situations, when I get mad sometimes... Sleepy?:the computer screen (after I stare at it too long), my father's Toto cd, monotones(although they're quite funny), and noontime. Excited?:when someone does something completely unexpected and caring, my oldies music :), Things I love Laugh?:the guys in my youthgroup :P, witty jokes, ridiculous things, irony, inconsistency, Jim Carrey, and my favorite firends and our inside jokes :) Feel strong?:when no one else stands up to do something and I do, knowing the right answer, love, confidence, loyalty, trust, my friends sometimes... RelationshipsDo you consider yourself a good friend?:I always try my best to be a good friend, but I'm not perfect. Would you rather have a lot of okay friends or a few good friends?:a few good friends Who are is/are your best friend/s?:too many to list... Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?:yes, and it made me feel wonderful :) Are you more outgoing or shy?:shy actually, I'm only outgoing on random days.. Do you like to make new friends?:of course :) Are you with someone/single/dating?: I'm single... Do you believe in love at first sight?:yes, it's very rare, but I believe it can happen Would you ever be with someone who your friends didn't like?:that's a tough one... I don't think I'd become involved with that person if I didn't have my friend's approval first, and it'd have to be a valid reason too... What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?:Haha I haven't had a dating type relationship yet...but other my mother and I's for instance....had lasted my whole life... What is the first thing you notice in the opposite gender?:definitely the eyes and the smile TechnologyWhat kind of cell phone do you have?:none :( but tis okay, atleast now I won't get a braintumor!! :P Is it a camera phone?:nope How often do you use your cell phone?:oh everyday-- oh wait. I don't have one. :P What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone #?:blah. Do you have your own computer?:not my own. we share it. What kind?:a hp... I think? I dunno... Do you have a digital camera?:not yet... Do you have an iPod?:nope :( EducationWhat university do you want to attend?:I dunno... What is your school's mascot?:panthers School colors?:silver and something else... I forget...Haha we have no school spirit anyways... What are your grades generally like?:generally from 80's to 90's. What is your year?:blah. I am a sophomore What would you like to do after graduation?:I dunno...get into college What do you want to be when you grow up?:either a writer, a dancer (but I doubt it), I dunno... Ratings (How important on a scale of 1-10?)Friends:9 Family:9 Music:8 Love:10 Happiness:7 Money:5 Education:5 Religion:religion or faith? there is a difference. Shopping:haha 4 Comfort:5 Clothes:5 Phone:10!! :P just kidding, about a 5 Computer:5 RandomIf you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?:one thing? hmm... I would probably take back me ditching my good friends for was so mean of me :( Would you rather win an Oscar or a Nobel Prize?:a nobel prize. What 5 items would you bring with you on a desert island?:a computer with a wifi internet connection, my bible, a pillow, a genie in a bottel (:P), and Kasey (since she said that she'd take me last time when we had that questionaire) If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?:either Ireland, or the Philipines... :) What is the most important thing in your purse and why?:my chapstick!!! no wait, coughdrops at the moment. I have a sore throat and my lips get chap easily. Name 15 people in history whom you'd invite to a dinner party.:George Washington, Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, King David,theApostle Paul, Moses, Mr. Joe(hey he is still a part of history, dead or alive!!), I dunno.... Spring Break where?:goodwill :P I don't care. What do you look for in a friend?:love, honesty, trust, non-gossip, down-to-earthness, understanding Which of those qualities is your best?:honesty
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