Tilde! (that thing by the 1 on your keyboard.)

Jul 11, 2007 23:58

Throughout the course of the day, there's a number of...various topics that flow into my head, as far as things that are worth talking to others about, or stuff that simply warrants some degree of discussion.

Not all of these ideas are new and fresh as far as my brain goes. There are a few I've been wanting to talk about for a while but can't think of too terribly much to say about them---like how you can get pretty much anyone to claim they are honest and up front in their observations and other issues of "if there's something wrong"-ery (which, 9 times out of 10 is a load of crap by the way) by provoking them with the right topic/words...
...erm, where was I? Right. Can't think of too much to say about that...as a matter of fact, that pretty much was my entire thought as far as that went...but I either can't think of too terribly much to say, or laziness sets in and nothing gets discussed.

Occasionally when a good topic---or, something I think is a good topic---for discussion pops up that I could...discuss, I simply shelve it (or would that be 'shelf it'?) Sometimes it feels like I'm trying to put these ideas away...ration them, even...like there's some better time I could slap it down on the paper/monitor/etch-a-sketch/whatever. But unfortunately, all that ever seems to happen is that they---like that really cool dream you had and vowed to remember forever---just sort of fade away into nothingness.

It's funny, I stumbled upon a little tablet of ideas compressed into neat and concise one-liners. Not very descriptive, but enough to rescue the bulk of the idea out of obscurity like a...one of those giant crane-operated magnet things, pulling an old car from the depths of a lake. Okay, that analogy sucked, but still, a thought occurred: why not just do the same for possible things to write about? Better thought: why not just write about them? That's an excellent question, I have no idea.

Ironically, the topic that provoked this notion/self-realization...I forgot.
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