Two Pictures

Sep 07, 2010 02:31

Okay. Deb's right. It's over the top.

There's a chocolate sack lurking behind the apricot cream, the fruit, and the flowers. The raspberry sauce is even more shy. Dessert by Geri Sullivan made for the NESFA Other Meeting at Deb & Mike's September 5, 2010 while Aussiecon 4 was nearing its end Down Under. Recipe from the 1989 Joy of Chocolate calendar. I also brought genuine Australian Musk LifeSavers to share with anyone who cared to try them. The Apricot Cream in the Chocolate Sack was more popular by far. Still, kudos and thanks to Australian National Fannish Treasure David Russell for the recent rolls of those LiveSavers (always a conversation item), the Australia-sized (giagantic) bath sheets which also work as party decorations, and so much more. Photo by Mike Benveniste.

It happens from time to time....

Here's documentation that Geri's desk isn't ALWAYS piled deep in paper and more.

PROmote Communications office, September 3, 2010. Photo by Geri Sullivan.

other meeting, clean flat surface, nesfa

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