Just saw this on
celandineb’s journal: apparently LJ is about to make the Gender field a mandatory setting on new account creation, and word has it that you’ll have to set it to Male or Female. “Unspecified” will no longer be allowed. Details on this can be found
over here.
Since I have several transgendered and genderqueer friends, I find this generally displeasing, especially when coupled with the likelihood that this’ll lead to gender-targeted ads for non-paying users of the system. As per
synecdochic’s post, I’ll be sending in some feedback on this to (politely) express my displeasure. I recommend any of y’all who feel likewise do the same.
ETA: some research has turned up the email address of the general manager of US operations: anjelika@livejournalinc.com
Please copy any email you send to Feedback to her.
I've stood by them despite the history of various shenanigans and thoughtlessnesses, but this is just about the last straw. I spend more time on Ravelry and Facebook these days anyway.
grrrrrrrrrr ....