Best Regards
The Motion Is Transported Among The Planets enables the energy to be transported from Pluto to the Earth -let's prove this fact in following-
Please read my paper
The Gravitational Waves Reflection In The Solar System
(Analytical Study) (Revised) or or or DATA
DATA No. (1)
2.59 mkm = 4.7 km/s x 153.3 h x 3600
= 29.8 km/s x 86400 s (error 1%)
= 0.421 mkm x 2π (error 2%)
2.59 mkm = The distance be passed by Pluto in its rotation period and it equals the distance be passed by the Earth in its day period and also it equal 2π x the distance be passed by Uranus in its rotation period - where
29.8 km/s =The Earth velocity
4.7 km/s = Pluto velocity
153.3 h = Pluto rotation period
86400 sec = The solar day
421056 km = Uranus motion distance in its rotation period
DATA No. (2)
838000 km x 0.8 = 669646 km
421056 km x (1.0725)^2= 484322 km
But 421056 km x π/2 = 669646 km
This data proves that these three distances (838000 km and 669646 km and 484322 km) are created depending on the distance 421056 km (Uranus motion distance in its rotation period) - this is the objective of this data
Please note-the rate (0.8) defines the planets velocity and that makes it a geometrical player -and the rate (1.0725) is Lorentz length contraction effect (we studied before)
DATA No. (3)
Branch no. 1
838000 km = 2 x 421056 km
= 4.7 km/s x 14178 s x 4π
= 5.4 km/s x 155597 s
= 6.8 km/s x 61920 s x 2
= 9.7 km/s x 86400 s
= 13.1 km/s x 64140 s
838000 km = Saturn motion distance per solar day
The velocities are for (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter) respectively
14178 = The factors (s) for planet Pluto
155597 km = Neptune Circumference
61920 seconds = Uranus Rotation Period
64140 km = 406000 km/ (2π)
Branch no. 2
669646 km = 4.7 km/s x 142984 s
= 5.4 km/s x 61920 s x 2
= 6.8 km/s x 49528 s x 2
= 9.7 km/s x 10921 s x 2π
= 13.1 km/s x 51118 s
The velocities are similar to branch no. (1)
142984 km = Jupiter Diameter
61920 s = Uranus rotation period
49528 km = Neptune Diameter
Branch no. 3
484322 km = 4.7 km/s x 51118 s x 2
= 5.4 km/s x 89143 s
= 6.8 km/s x 71450 s (1%)
= 9.7 km/s x 49528 s
= 13.1 km/s x 36746 s
51118 km = Uranus Diameter
89143 = The factor (s) for planet Neptune
71450 km = Jupiter Radius
49528 km = Neptune Diameter
36746 =(16.1 h x 3600) x (2/π)
In the discussion I try to explain how this data is created - I put the idea as hypothesis with its proof - Let's discuss it in following…
The Hypothesis,
The energy is transported in the solar system from Pluto to the Earth-my paper proves the energy is reflected three times in the solar system- (from Neptune to Saturn) then (from Uranus to Jupiter) and (from Venus to Mars)- the energy is stored in the moon orbit between Venus and Mars and by that the energy is sent from Pluto and reached to the Earth- shortly- the energy is transported from Pluto to the Earth-
I use this data to prove this hypothesis - how?
The transported energy is passed from a planet to another and each planet form its data to be suitable for the transportation process- that means- the transported energy causes effect on each planet to form this planet data in consistency with this energy -by that - I analyze each planet data to prove that - each planet data is formed by this energy effect- this should be considered a strong proof for the hypothesis because each planet data will be used as a proof for this effect -
I want to say- the transported energy effect is seen clearly on the planets data and that proves this energy motion effect and existence and proves the hypothesis
Let's start the hypothesis proof discussion
The Hypothesis Proof
The transported energy is seen in the distance 2.59 million = Pluto motion distance in its rotation period = the Earth motion distance per solar day (error 1%)
Shortly- the energy is in the distance 2.59 mkm which is passed by Pluto motion and this distance is transported to the Earth (by the motion transportation) contains the energy- means-
The planets motions are similar to Gears motions and the first Gear moves a distance (d) and all other planets move equal distances (d) because the motion is transported from a gear to another - that's why the distances are equal (we understand the motion transportation depends on equal distances for example one gear size equal 10 another gear size- for that- the first gear rotation for one time causes the second gear to rotate 10 times - this transportation depends on the distance clearly)
The energy transportation is done by the motion transportation for the distance 2.59 million km
The distance 2.59 mkm is transported based on the distance (0.421 mkm = Uranus motion distance in Uranus rotation period) 2.59 mkm = 2π x 0.421 mkm (error 1%)
Means- the transported distance is 2.59 mkm but the measurement for this distance is 0.421 mkm this is the transported distance among the planets - by that- the planets define their data in consistency with this distance 421056 km (= Uranus motion distance in its rotation period)
The transported distance 0.421 mkm is seen in three different forms which are
(838000 km and 669646 km and 484322 km)
Data No. (2) proves that these three distances depend on the distance 421056 km (Uranus motion distance in its rotation period)
Please note- the factor (0.8) defines each planet velocity depending on its neighbor as we have studied in details in the planet velocity definition- also - the factor (1.0725) is Lorentz length contraction effect which we know very well both factors should be considered as geometrical factors as the third one (π/2)- that proves these three distances depend on the distance 421056 km - this explanation is important because the planets data is defined based on these three distances and we need to see clearly how the planets data is created from the same one source
Now - let's discuss the branches data
Branch no. 1
838000 km = 2 x 421056 km
= 4.7 km/s x 14178 s x 4π
= 5.4 km/s x 155597 s
= 6.8 km/s x 61920 s x 2
= 9.7 km/s x 86400 s
= 13.1 km/s x 64140 s
This branch of data provides one distance is passed by the 5 outer planets - let's examine that in following
The 838000 km = Saturn motion distance per solar day and Uranus motion distance in its rotation period is 421056 km - by that - 838000 km = 2 x 421056 km and that means Saturn motion distance per solar day = 2x Uranus motion distance in its rotation period-
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves this distance (838000 km) in a period = (14178 s x 2π) now the value 14178 is the factor (s) for Pluto (means Pluto has 14178 rotation periods in its orbital period), but the data uses the value 14178 in seconds units - the data modification doesn't change the motion and the distance 838000 km is passed also by Pluto based on the value 14178 - this meaning will be more clear with Neptune data - let's see it
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves the distance 838000 km is a period = 155597 seconds but Neptune Circumference is 155597 km that means Neptune Circumference is used as a period of time in this motion by the rate (1 km= 1 second)- BUT
How can we be sure that this period (155597 s) refers to Neptune Circumference 155597 km? and how can Neptune move the distance 838000 km based on this data?
Let's move step by step
Neptune velocity per solar day = 0.46688 million km and in Neptune orbital period 59800 days Neptune moves a distance =28244 million km (Neptune orbital circumference)- how can we know that this distance 28244 mkm is Neptune orbital circumference?? Because Neptune uses its velocity and its orbital period
Let's return to our data
Neptune (5.4 km/s) uses the period 155597 km to pass the distance 838000 km Now the period 155597 s depends on Neptune Circumference 155597 km - means- the velocity and the period of time are belonged to the same planet- based on that- this planet passes this distance 838000 km -
This is the Major notice in this interesting data- each planet uses its own data to pass the same distance 838000 km - means- each planet uses its velocity and (its period of time) to pass the distance 838000 km but (its period of time) is seen in different forms (Pluto uses its factor "s" but Neptune uses its diameter and Uranus uses its rotation period and Saturn uses the solar day), the periods of time are in different forms but each data is belonged to its planet- that tells these 5 planets move the distance 838000 km and this motion causes to define each planet data in consistency with this motion (Jupiter data will be discussed later)
Now let's ask - why do the planets define their data in consistency with this distance 421056 km?
Because this is the transported motion distance- it's energy is transported from a planet to another inside this distance (421056 km) for that the distance is transported and for that the planets created (the suitable environment) to transport this energy (distance) that's why the planets data is in consistency with this distance specifically.
NOTICE No. (1)
Neptune Circumference 155597 km but 4 x Saturn rotation period 10.7h = 42.8 hours = 155597 seconds (error 1%) - that tells why Neptune Circumference equal 155597 km because the energy is reflected from Neptune to Saturn and for that Neptune Circumference (155597 km) is used as Saturn rotation period (the distance is used as a period of time)
NOTICE No. (2)
Jupiter data shows interesting depth under data- let's take a look
838000 km = 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 64140 seconds
Where 64140 km x 2π = 406000 km - means
(13.1 km/s)^2 x 61920 seconds = 10.626 million km = 8π x 421056 km
And 10.626 million km = 4π x 838000 km (error 1%)
Please note 8π = 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity)
Jupiter data shows very interesting idea because the whole process depends on the squared velocity (13.1)^2 - means- Jupiter during Uranus rotation period 61920 second moves only (811152 km) which equal the (2.59 mkm/π) but the squared velocity (13.1 km/s)^2 caused this distance to be equal 10.626 mkm = 4 x 2.59 mkm (2.5%) and also this distance 10.626 mkm = 8π x 421056 km
The squared velocity is occurred almost because of the energy reflection- but - the effect is complex one and need more analysis
Branch no. 2
669646 km = 4.7 km/s x 142984 s
= 5.4 km/s x 61920 s x 2
= 6.8 km/s x 49528 s x 2
= 9.7 km/s x 10921 s x 2π
= 13.1 km/s x 51118 s
We know the rate (0.8) defines each planet velocity based on its neighbor- here also the distance 669646 km = 840224 km x 0.8
We notice that, the 5 planets move this same distance (669646 km) but each planet uses another planet data as a period of time - Pluto (4.7 km/s) uses Jupiter diameter (142984 km) and Neptune (5.4 km/s) uses Uranus rotation period (61920 s) but Uranus (6.8 km/s) uses Neptune diameter (49258 km) and Saturn (9.7 km/s) uses the Earth moon circumference (10921 km) and Jupiter (13.1 km/s) uses Uranus diameter- no data is found by confusion where all data is planets data but how each planet uses this data? the answer still needs more deep analysis- we still see the distance 421056 km controls the planets data definition where all planets data is defined based on this distance.
Branch no. 3
484322 km = 4 x 120536 km = π x 155597 km
= 4.7 km/s x 51118 s x 2
= 5.4 km/s x 89143 s
= 6.8 km/s x 71450 s (1%)
= 9.7 km/s x 49528 s
= 13.1 km/s x 36746 s
This distance also is a form of the original one (421056 km)- and the planets use the same method to define it- Pluto uses Uranus diameter, and Neptune uses its factor (s) and Uranus uses Jupiter radius and Saturn uses Neptune diameter and Jupiter uses the period 36746 seconds = 16.1 hours x 3600 x (2/π) where 16.1 h = Neptune rotation period
The data tries to prove that, the planets data is created in consistency with the distance 421056 km because this distance is transported by the motion transportation by which the energy is transported from Pluto to The Earth-
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia - Moscow (2010-2013)
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