Sep 03, 2005 21:25
had a party: No. boo...
gone to a party: yes sur
smoked: yes...
drank: yes...
spent the night with someone: oh la la. ya sleepovers are fun
laughed until your stomach hurt: its more like "till your head hurts." does anyone else get like that when they laugh. a exploding head sensation. probably not lol.
gone on vacation: i did indeed. I went to nyc for a week to visit mikeylicious,lots of shopping ofcourse. then i spent a week in cleveland, because my gramma passed away. it was really sad, but it was good to be with my family. then i spent 2 weeks in sunny california laying by the pool and reading harry potter, and on my way back i got stuck in chicago so i spent the day there and ended up taking the train home. i heart the train.
tanned: burned more like it
went camping: uh hell no
swam: yes
went to the movies: i've been 2 times in the pas week
gone shopping: oh god yes
had a job: Yes at my bakery
got sun burnt: Yes. still pealing a little
made a bon fire: no
been outside during a lightening storm: kinda. margie, kelly and survived monsoon like rain, leaving cj barrymores. chocolate shakes and bootyshakin music and rain. good times...
been to another state: yup
been to another country:not this yr
changed someting about your appearance: at the beginning of the summer i got really chunky blonde highlights and dyed it real dark underneath. now i have more even highlights and its still dark underneath. still want a tattoo or something else crazy
been to the hospital with an injury: n-o.
commited a crime/broken the law: no, i'm not badass enough lol
gone on a road trip: ya. cedar point with laura. we kinda got lost lol...
kissed someone: Yes. interesting story behind the last one lol
been to a concert: gavin degraw love love him!
been in trouble with the parents: not really. just arguments.
had a memorable moment: quite a few
had a horrible moment: ya i would say someone breaking into my dads car and stealing my bag pretty bad, and also my cat running away. both sad.
made new friends: aquantences really
missed a friend: kelly! did u like move or something j/k i love u!
slept under the stars: would have liked to
thought about school: yes. i'm happy, and at the same time annoyed, to be back at school
been to the beach: baker beach in san francisco. normally a nudie beach, but it was way too cold that day
thought about a special someone: i've had many crushes this summer
spent the most time with: my parents, coworkers, and mike
wanted to visit: more of chicago and back again to nyc
taken a summer class: no thank god
had a crush: yes sur
lived back at home: yes indeed
where are you going to school: oakland
bought a new car: my car died...finally. its an old piece of crap that made me afraid to drive lol
own a car: selling it soon
lesson learned: be yourself,live your life and love every minute of it