May 01, 2009 12:43
I woke up this morning to find my bathroom floor coated in a thin film of water leaking - ever so slightly - from the back of the tank. I was able to locate the source quickly because I'd seen the toilet to leak like this once,in the process of fixing something the landlord had done just before we moved in.
Basically, a few weeks after we moved in we noted that the toilet was running constantly. Having established already that the landlord was not the "doing things" type, I investigated and discovered the lift rod had been significantly bent, creating a slight "u" shape. This shape led the float ball to hang above the water line level so it was never shutting off the refill mechanism and the excess water flowed directly and constantly down overflow tube. It was obvious that the intention was to cause the opposite result, the "u" was meant to be upside down so that the float ball was at a lower angle and would shut off the refill mechanism when the tank was slightly less full. Gravity over time- or a previous tenant - repositioned the lift bar.
I discovered why I previous tenant might have repositioned the lift bar when I tried to rectify the situation. When the lift bar was positioned so the float ball was lower, the water inlet was thrown off kilter and seal between the tank and the piping was broken, resulting in my current leak. It took much manipulation and attempts to correct the shape of the bar on my part to correct this.
A couple of months ago my neighbors (whose lift bars were probably also broken by the landlord) discovered similar problems. Right before we left for England, the landlord came to "fix" all the toilets - including ours! And Dom only now told me that he, at the behest of our landlord, screwed with our lift bar, breaking the seal with the water inlet without noticing! Our next door neighbor has complained of the same link, and our landlord's response was, "this leak is less damaging that the last one, so I don't care."