Aug 11, 2007 19:40

Since I started project365 I took loads of pictures over the past month, 
cause i take my digital camera everwhere with me. 
Some turn out really good, so good, that I -myself- am a bit amazed sometimes.
I really got into it and suddenly see lots of good objects or things to take pictures of.I look at things from different angles that could look interessting on photos.
Often i have more photos than i can fit into my weekly pic posts, and sometimes 
I have a set of really good ones ( car lights at night) and can only post one in project365.

Therefor I put all of my fave photos/ set of photos and those who turned out very good in 
my new photo community..... 


From now on I will post sometimes single pics, sometimes a set of pics there, 
whenever I took some that i like or think turned out very good.
If you like to look at my pics, and I mean also pics OUTSIDE my project365,
then join the community =)=)=)=).


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