Initial thoughts on eff eff one three

Mar 10, 2010 21:33

So I'm playing FFXIII like everyone else in the world. Initial thoughts: Amazing to look at (and I mean AMAZING), not sure how I feel about the combat system yet though. Story-wise the premise is very cool but slightly hampered by the fact that I had to dig through menus to read what was actually going on. Pro tip, Squeenix: introducing a new and complex fantasy world through walls'o'text only available from the menu is not a good story telling choice. I spent the first two hours waiting for someone to tell me what the hell was going on before I figured out the dialogue thing. This made everything clear, but wasted a ton of chances for meaningful story telling. You have some really cool shit in this game, Square, why do you hide it? You're like a stripper wearing a hazmat suit, confusing and deeply unsatisfying.

Character impressions so far: Villenellele whatever her name is can die in a fire. So can her emo kid passive aggressive boyfriend. The black guy is forgettable and kind of insulting, and Snow needs to go back to his JPOP band. Lightning can stay. How about we kick everyone else out and make the game "Lightning kills monsters and punches annoying people." I would buy that game. Lightning forever!
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