Oct 30, 2008 10:08
very happy almost halloween or fall or whatever you want to say you know.
It is freeeeezing cold here in north carolina but very lovely.
I adopted a dog. he is 5. he is a boxer/pibull mix.
he is ginger and white and HANDSOME as hell.
he already knows commands thanks to someone in his past life. so thats cool.
we go on walks and to the park and he likes to ride in the car. he sleeps on my bed but does not lick my face or breath on my head when im asleep. so its all good so far. except his name. which he seems to love, so i cant change, and which i hate.
Esmes birthday party is coming up and i am stressed out over it and never realized how much complication goes into a freaking preschool birthday party. its like either rent someones place and someone to perform or else use your house and immaculately clean everything and entertain 10 preschoolers and thier parents. asjklfaksghasdhsdgkldhslhalksdghkasdfgkadfgkfhgsdfhgkjsdfhagkhashg.
mike bottai i seriously wish you would find a man and marry him and move here so i can make you lots of food and we can have holidays together full of gayness, wine and gourmet dishes.
i need you.
sakjflaskhgahsdkhdlahgdhkgha again.
the end.