but you knew they were going to
a.) not be able to fit it all into one film.
b.) milk it for all it was worth.
Other fun things from the article:
a.) hints at a Hobbit movie.
b.) reading Daniel Radcliffe attempt to sell the 6th movie. "the funniest of the films so far" only from the depths of irony and the silly idea that a book could be better than a movie (yes, I know, it's happened before...). The poor marketing
In other news (for the 2 people I have not giggled like a little girl in front of about this) I passed my certification test! After taking the test 4x I finally passed! Yay! But! Before I can get the cert itself, I've been randomly selected to be audited! Did they think I haven't jumped through enough hoops? Apparently. I have some choice words, but for now, I will leave them out.