Oct 27, 2008 23:36
How old is Mr. Brown?"How old are you, Mr. Brown?" Mr. Smith asked his friend.
"I forgot exactly", was the answer. "But my brother is two years older than I, my sister is four years older than he, my mother was twenty when I was born, and she told me yesterday that the average age of each of the four members of our family (my brother, my sister, my mother and me) is thirty-nine years".
How old is Mr. Brown?
Итак.Внимание вопрос. ВО СКОЛЬКО лет его мать родила его сестру? И где собс-но отец? Это .ДЕТСКАЯ загадка, а не осторо-социальная!
з.ы.Кстати ответы на вопрос "How old is Mr. Brown?" тоже принимаются.