The key to the conundrum

Mar 22, 2017 00:45

This morning, I was woken early by a cold-caller. When I heard the doorbell ring, I grabbed my keys out of my jeans pocket, hurriedly donned my dressing gown and headed downstairs.

Once I'd dealt with the unwelcome visitor, I decided to pop to the loo before returning to bed.

Later, I woke up, performed my ablutions, got dressed and went to leave the house. At this point I discovered my keys weren't in my pocket. They weren't in the dressing-gown pocket, either. I wasted a good five minutes retracing my half-asleep meanderings as best I could but, apparently, unless I was somehow so totally confused I posted the keys out my letterbox or flushed them down the loo, they'd apparently vanished into thin air.

Then I had a brainwave: I took the spare set, knowing that if I waited until this evening I ought to be able to find the keys courtesy of the tritium glow-stick fob.

Sure enough, this evening I found the keys… in the back pocket of my jeans. I'm sure I checked there at least twice this morning. Grr.

In other news, I now understand why my car's seat didn't feel quite as comfy as usual today.

Cross-posted from this Dreamwidth original. If you can, please comment there instead.

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