A few fic recs

Apr 22, 2006 17:50

So, I was bored, but didn't have the attention span to read something serious and long. Looked for some of the cracky fics I liked last time, and thought, maybe not everyone read what I've read, so~!

Liquadating the Assets by mercurial_wit
Summary: Dragons of Earth ran out of funds so they turn to the oldest profession in the world

“You…Seishirou-san…” Subaru leaned against the wall, shaking, one hand at his mouth. Much better. “You…” His eyes traveled up and down the outfit once again, and this time his face filled with incredulous horror. “Oh my God.” He covered his eyes with his hands.

Seishirou schooled his face back into a neutral expression. “I’ve decided to take up a second job, Subaru-kun,” he said solemnly. “Doing my part to raise funds for evil.”

“I see.” Subaru’s voice was muffled, coming from between his hands. “Look, I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’ll be gone when I take my hands away? Or wearing something else, perhaps? Even trying to kill me. I could cope with that.”

The Happy Families by insaneidiot
Summary: Seishirou has apparently got certain ideas about families.

Fuuma stared. "I'm evil," he said eventually. "I kill people. In fact, I destroy whole civilisations. I don't do school."

"You do now," Seishirou replied brightly. "Well? Why are you still standing there? School starts in- oh, about ten minutes."

"But where is the point in making me go to school?" Fuuma said snappishly. "I'm trying to destroy the world! If I succeed, we'll all be dead and I'll have absolutely no use for an education, so going to school is about the least useful thing I could be doing right now."

Learning Experiences
Summary: Ban and Ginji caved to Natsumi's wheedling (and offer of money) to go to her school and show those impressionable students what fine and upstanding role models of society they are.

"It'll be fine," Ban muttered, distracted. "We go in, brag a lot, get paid, and leave. What's the worst that could happen?"

Heh, famous last words, Ban-chan~

Harry Potter <-- none of them crack, strangely

Sixteen Ways to Tell the Weasley Twins Apart
Summary: Heh, titles tells it all.

>.< Just read it. All sixteen are beautiful, but the last was especially so, because it made me go still and ache a little.

Summary: Remus is sent to Romania one summer after leaving Hogwarts, and to keep him company, the Marauders work up a spell where whatever they write appears on the walls of his flat.
No excerpt. I don't know how to properly convey the beauty and the soft ache at the end of the one-shot, but REAAAD EEEET.

Good Omens
The Sound of Omens
Summary: The Sound of Music parody, Good Omens style~!

AZIRAPHALE: What lovely girls! And I'm er, your tutor, not your governess. Now, my dears, I'm not sure if I have this right, but your daddy *is* a demon, isn't he?

ALL CHILDREN: Yesssssss.

AZIRAPHALE: Well, I'm sure we'll all get along splendidly. Excuse me while I back away slowly and barricade myself in my room for a while.

Will There Be Bonfires?
Summary: Hitsugaya receives a lesson in manliness. *cough* Crack warning.

...and from a relatively safe distance, two observers watched with completely bipolar airs.

“...........what the hell,” Hitsugaya grumbled, watching the Fifth Division Mating Ritual with complete nauseation. “What are they-”

Hinamori sparkled as her flower aizen!vision took over. “What...what... MANLINESS!”

“Are you sure?” Hitsugaya squinted as Aizen whirled Gin around and around the bonfire. Is this what Hinamori considered to be...manliness? He certainly didn’t want to grow up to be a pyromaniac dancing dork.

Um, yeah, I'll go back to rereading old fics now~ And maybe Halo because I've been putting it off. And Heat, because I've been putting it off too. And Winds.

While I'm at it, last rec of the day:
http://www.fanfiction.net/~lightningonthewave <-- go here, and read everything! This is the Sacrifices AU, where Harry has a twin brother, James and Lily are alive, and lotsa changes but so much more darker than the original, and Harry here so much more likeable (though I wanna throttle him sometimes). It'll turn your perception of many characs upside down, and so addicting that you'd find yourself unable to stop even if it's against your better judgment. REEEEAD.
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