omg whut

Jan 04, 2010 01:24

Never in my entire life would I have expected to find a fanfic written about *drumrolls* Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat.

Specifically, Hang Tuah/Hang Jebat. omg. With Puteri Hang Li Po as a busy body "I KNOW YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH TUAH, JEBAT" person. And and I liked it so here's me reccing a fic based on MALAY LITERATURE.

To the Death/The Rambutan Tree

Well, if you know them, then you know how this will end. =/ Read it anyway because come on, although I cannot be sure of how Hang Tuah feels about Hang Jebat, I'M ALMOST SURE HANG JEBAT LOVED HANG TUAH VERY VERY MUCH.

fic recs

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