Lucky Dog - Giulio's route down, belated drama cd ramblings

Sep 26, 2009 17:55

Friday was spent hanging out in uni (year 3 students have no life. ahaha) and Playing Lucky Dog. There was only one person left to catch, so last night, all my attention was showered on Giulio~ That rape scene was ... painful though. ._.

After playing through all four routes, Bernardo's definitely my favourite, followed by Giulio... and then Luchino and Ivan tying for the last, I guess. Giulio's an interesting character. Puppy-ish at times (the number of times Gian commented on how dog-like Giulio was... -_-;) but he wasn't called Mad Dog for nothing. The bad end was pretty violent. ^^' I think Gian suffered the most in this route. He kept getting beaten up, tortured and even got raped by Giulio. One tough dude, Gian is.

This was just awkwaaard. XD Gian was all like, "uh... do you MIND? orz" and Giulio was like, "Hm, interesting. I will stand here and watch you the entire way."

A glimpse of Mad Dog Giulio. Mutilating corpses = fun activity for all.

Butbut look at him. *pats him* He's really kinda adorable. Happy ending get~

Unless he's playing with your innards of course. Bad end is bad.

Heard Nakenai Tori last night. Don't remember much though... will listen to it again sometime. I'm too lazy to talk about all the dramas I've heard between the last real drama cd summary post and this. ^^' I rather liked Happiness though, so here are some rambly thoughts on it.

Summary: Hirarin picked up an orphan (Hatano Wataru) at the funeral of his benefactor because orphan's extended family were mean people who refused to take orphan in. Seven years pass by and now Hatano is 17 years old who loves his guardian, Hirarin. And I mean, love love, and not just love. Fearing he would act on his love, he confided in Hirarin's colleague and said that he would move out once he have the money. News leaked back to Hirarin (who also found out that Hatano has a "girlfriend" in his workplace) and he was shocked and hurt that Hatano would want to leave him. More misunderstandings happen as Hatano tried to tell Hirarin his feelings in a very incomplete manner ("I don't see you as my family"), Hatano moves out, Hirarin emos, Hatano goes back home after his gf (casual sex partner) kicked him out of her house, things get resolved sorta, another issue pops up and gets resolved, and HAPPINESS.

Thoughts: I think this is my favourite August drama actually, in terms of substance and engagement. It's an easy listen and I like the female character in this story (always a great plus) though I wish people would stop jumping to conclusions so easily. -_-; I'd like to hear a couple that have immense trust in each other sometimes...

In other news, I have two projects with mini deadlines set next week and an assignment due Monday. Why am I procrastinating so much? *sigh*

Orite. I have some things I want to do by the end of this year in a bid to complete my LJ experience as I realized that I have been on LJ for 4 years plus and have yet to do some stuff that seems quite common:

1. Join a friending meme
2. Join a blogcrew
3. I will figure this out later.


lj, games, drama cd talk

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