Sep 09, 2009 01:13
So, today my mom asked, not for the first time, "Do you have a boyfriend?" I replied in the negative. Next question, "When will you get a boyfriend la?"
I wonder if she'll just accept it and move on if I tell her I'm probably asexual. Then again, probably not. I just wish people would not ask questions like that again and again hoping for a different answer if they ask often enough. =/ That was the second time in a month she asked me that question... Maybe I should direct her attention to my brother next time. Or try the "LOOK, IT'S A PINK FLYING ELEPHANT" and just run away.
In other news, my earphones finally gave in to old age and died leaving me lonely at night~ I'll be getting a new pair tomorrow.
Talking about tomorrow, I really should sleep. Early morning shopping and a tutoring session after that. I'm extremely ill-prepared to tutor though. orz I spent the whole day trying to make sense of the mess that is my drama cd, seiyuu events, game and animanga collection. The amount of drama cds I have is staggering even to me. orz About five years ago, I had thought that I'll never be able to amass such a big collection...
Fast forward five years later: wth, TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY PLUS WTH. AND THAT'S ONLY PART OF IT.
Tomorrow shall be another day of organizing stuff while trying not to panic about thesis topic selection OTL OTL DIE DIE LECTURER STILL HASN'T RESPONDED TO MY INQUIRY denial is bliss~ DEADLINE COMING. TEENTH T___________T
masterlist project,
shiro's fault,
thrance's fault,