Back from yumi's, G. I. Joe and Tierkreis

Aug 16, 2009 16:01

Stayed over at her place on Friday with Les and spent most of the night watching Ore Tanjou! and her playing Will O Wisp. Time sure flies, huh. ._. She's leaving on Monday and it'll prob be another year till we meet again. Went to collect a book from Kino on Sat, and then we watched a movie with Jie Xiang (... however you spell his name. swt).

G. I. Joe rants

I am usually okay with watching brainless action flicks that's mostly about the choreography of the fights and the cg but I could not get into this movie at all. The script was bad. BAD. So bad that I could not make fun of it. The plot?

Haah. I wasn't expecting a very convoluted plot but this wasn't it either. Characterization was crap (wait, WHAT characterization?). I don't see the point of that little bit in the beginning (the flashback with the ancestor and the mask and being caught by the French selling weapons to both sides) if they were gonna EXPLAIN stuff in the movie anyway.

Halfway through the movie, I was already bored of it. When what looked like the ending came, I was actually GLAD... and then I realized that it hasn't ended yet. -_-; The way they resolved the movie was really sloppy and too draggy.


In conclusion: Bad movie, don't watch it in the cinema.

Am going to have dinner with her tonight... and get Luke back. Finished Tierkreis, finally and I AM SAD THERE IS NO ONSEN. The ending was very heart-warming though and overall, it was a very fun game despite being extremely easy and lacking some stuff like the onsen.

I really should get down to summarizing the rest of the July dramas. *sigh*

outings, games, movies, da gang

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