MPH warehouse sale+kino, outing, etc

May 03, 2009 20:06

MPH warehouse sale

I think I'm getting better at this control thing. Total books bought from the warehouse sale: 4.


1. The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll
2. A Darkness at Sethanon (aka the OTHER Arutha centered book in the Riftwar series)
3. Wintersmith (hardcover! RM 10!)
4. The Thief Lord (which I kinda regret a little now as I found another Alice in the Wonderland-centric book today priced at the same price. This book was an impulse purchase)

The last mph warehouse sale there had better deals though...


Thursday - Kino outing with ahpai to grab her 07-ghost~ It was a pretty quick trip (fastest trip to kino and back ever, I think. XD). We just.. went there, and then she collected her stuff, I picked up Pandora Hearts vol. 8 and 8.5, paid and then we left. No lingering (well, okay maybe just a little)~

MPH warehouse sale after Kino. Ended up buying three of the above (all the Lewis Carroll books were really old/torn/folded/etc that day) but ahpai lost her phone. ._. *hugs ahpai* AT LEAST NOW YOUR NEW PHONE WILL NOT GET BETWEEN OUR PASSIONATE LOVE.

A quick flip through Pandora Hearts vol 8 led me to the conclusion that vol 8 is full of trauma for everyone. XD A more careful read revealed..... BREAK'S BACKSTORY EXPANDED! Vincent! The Sablie's Incident! I can't wait to spoil ahpai~~~

Saturday - may_billy's bday outing in the five in one mall~! I'm sorry I fail at organizing organized outings. orz I'M SORRY I FAIL AT DETAILS! AS FUJOSHI RED, I WILL POWER UP NEXT TIME AND MAKE SHIRO DO IT INSTEAD. o/ Picked up priestnobaka, met mistressnaoko, shirochan, nickie_ng and of course, the bday girl, may_billy at Borders. anna_chiba WAS THERE IN SPIRIT! (T^T fujoshi sentai must be complete) It was about lunch time, so we did the logical thing~ We went for lunch. But where though? =/

After mulling over it for a long time (and walking around in circles), we settled on Winterwarmers where we can have lunch, tea and ACT ALL CIVILIZED! Tea, ya know. We had tea and CIVILIZED CONVERSATIONS~ and acted all... CIVILIZED~!

... For a few minutes anyway.

Nickie took out her PASH Magazine. That was the end of all pretenses. -_-;

But anyway, billy covered what happened from then all the way to our parting at Borders, so just gonna continue there. Had dinner at IKEA (shiro had balls, priest wanted sausage but no sausage), had conversations about ice hotels and melting holes in the rooms with heater (shiro said I'm her inspiration *nods*), and wrongness, heart no kuni and seiyuu.

After dinner, we parted ways and I had my first adventure in the carpark. We forgot where we parked my car. Hunted for Kyouya (my car) in P1 before we remembered that we parked in P2. Brilliant~! And so we hunted the perimeter of P2 while pressing the alarm.

Wonderful invention, ya know. The alarm.

Found Kyouya, got home safely~ I will never not look at the pillar again after I parked my car. orz

Sunday - MPH warehouse sale again~ This time with boh_teabags, Les and her colleague. I intentionally went out with enough money for ONE BOOK lest I spend too much. ._. That Lewis Carroll book took most of the money I had on hand so I had barely enough for lunch. swt.

Drama cds

Mitsu to Jujika - I FEEL CHEATED. ._. I listened for Nojiken but it was Miyatan all the way. Nojiken only appeared in the last two tracks (I think). T^T Story's about vampires and priests.

Sake to Y-shirt to Kiss - Police story, and again I listened because I wanted to hear Nojiken. XD This is a pretty decent story. One day, after repeatedly getting drunk and being taken cared of by his colleague, he woke up in the same bed as that colleague and freaked~ And that's how their relationship as lovers started.

outings, books, drama cd talk

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