Distracted by Doctor Who

Jul 27, 2007 20:32

I finished the entire first season, started on the second season and is currently downloading Torchwood as well because of CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS. >.> Thrance. All your fault. Not that I mind being dragged into another series but how did you manage to get me into SO MANY?

Anyway, yeah. I've gotten obsessed with series about a time-and-space travelling police box, the Doctor, his partner (okay, I don't really like Rose but I'm building up my tolerance now! Go, me. Also, don't kill me for that comment *hides under very thick shields*) and CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS (despite him being in only FIVE EPISODES WHY? ;__; I miss you and your flirty ways, Cap'n, and your chemistry with the Doctor). Completely obsessed. I can't even have a phone conversation without Doctor Who squee-age~! I don't have to shopkeep during weekdays anymore (I hope) which means more time to download and enjoy the crack fun that is Doctor Who~! I didn't know my obsession with it will get this bad a few posts back. -_-; A week ago, I can still talk with friends without a single mention of Doctor Who. A week ago seems like such a long time now...

In other news, finishing Disgaea 2 is gonna be my greatest ps2 accomplishment. -_-; I keep getting distracted when I play it and end up spending hours doing everything else but advancing the plot. I muck around in Item World, I create more characters to level up and open higher tiers of the class, I get bills passed but I NEVER ADVANCE THE PLOT. >.< Dear self, stop getting distracted jeez! Also, I need to get a Digital Devil Saga that will work on my ps2. -_-;

Well, enough about my mundane life, on to meme reply~!

Interview Me Meme from lea26karla

1. Leave me a comment saying "interview me". (You can say anything else like: "HOMG! KH IS SO AWESOME." Just as long as you have "Interview me." somewhere around there, ne? *LOL* *explaining the obvious*) 8D
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect that the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions (whether cut or uncut).
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1) If you were to become a video game character (as in, a character that already exists), which video game character will you be? Please state who the character is, where s/he came from and the reason why you chose him/her. :D

Actually, I'd rather be someone on the sideline not in the game storyline itself.. but if I have to choose, uh... Guy from Tales of the Abyss because I want to hug Luke forever and never let go and probably mess his hair up everyday. Even more shallow that that, I'd like to be Georg from Suikoden V too, because he's overkill. xD If I have to stick to my own gender, I'd want to be Arche (from Tales of Phantasia) despite my dislike of controlling spell casters. I've always liked Arche, flying on a broom is amusing also, destructive spells = A++. She also can't cook. xD

2) Do you remember your 'ideal' self back when you were a kid? Like the president of the country or a cleaning lady. Why do you think you thought of such things? If you can't remember, make something up. XD

My 'ideal' self is me as a lawyer. Seriously. Also, with a very well-stocked library.

3) Upload your current default icon to Photobucket or Imageshack or other image uploading thingies. Post it in your LJ then explain what your default icon means. 8D

Uhm, I'm using my default right now (I hardly every change icons. I think you've noticed. ^^;) It's actually from a webcomic I used to follow. No Rest For the Wicked = Evil fairytale fun. xD

4) If you were to voice act for an anime character, which anime character do you want to voice for and why? You may give an anime character which is existent (Eg: Yamada Tarou from Yamada Tarou Monogatari) or simply state the character you want to voice for (Eg: an anime character who is kind, sweet, screams a lot, blah blah blah)

I think I'd go with a description. Someone who does not scream too much, probably genki genki and talks at the speed of ten words per second and is tiny shouta overkill.

5) If you were to meet me the minute after you see this question, what would you do?

I'll tackleglomp you to the floor!

And I'm definitely the last person to do it now~! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ERIN (25th July)~!

meme, disgaea, torchwood, doc who

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