BBQ party, hanging out at Erin's place and Yee Sang party later~

Feb 25, 2007 12:39

BBQ party at Erin's house

Got invited to a bbq party at her house on Friday and turned up about 45 mins earlier than the actual thingy. Well, we never got to bbq our own food. D= Nothing changed much from what I remember; I haven't been to her house in two years. Caesar was still as cute and hyperactive as I remember. XD Met several of her swimmer friends and the rest of the night was spent eating, playing cards and watching the antics of a somewhat drunk girl.

Here I will make a solemn vow: I will never ever get drunk until I die.

... I don't really have pictures, so here's a link to Erin's blog. I'm really camera shy, people~

The Day After (also spent in her house)

Yesterday, we (me, Shaa, Sofia) hung out at her house again~ .... it's been too long since we gathered like it and I think it will be another year or so until we have a chance to do this again. Watched Shall We Dance, made fun of J.Lo's default near-tears expression, laughed a lot, took a few silly photos which I might upload under lock later. Too lazy to go to Photobucket. XD

Today... the Yee Sang party

Has not happened yet. Why am I feeling so anxious about it and imagining a thousand things that could go wrong? Distract yourself, Neon! Think of fluffy kittens and cute puppies frolicking in the sun! AAAHHHH, it's one. >.< *dies*

EDIT: I never did say anything bout the yee sang thing. Anyway, we tossed with forks (we're modern! XD), we ate and we played PS2. The end.


I'm nearly done with Kingdom Hearts 2~! ... I just have to complete the journal, synthetise Ultima, level up Drive Forms and (attempt to) fight Seph. STPM results might be coming out next week. I think I need to be put on a suicide watch starting from now (Neon is joking here. Hopefully). XDD I'm trying not to think about it.

games, movies, rl, dagang

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