(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 18:36

Stormed yesterday, and livejournal acted up the day before yesterday... After catching another ep of Parakiss on animax, I decided I like the manga a lot better. Pacing's the issue I have, I think. With the manga, I can read however fast or slow I want but the anime's ... kinda slow for me.

Anyways, said I would and there's no excuse to not try it if you're previously like me who had harboured an immediate and extremely unfair dislike to its title alone. XD;; Yeah, yeah, I know, don't judge a book by its cover and all. >.>

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5 <-- end

Download, read, share links around or something~

Reacquiring Rin! so I can toss it to ahpai and infect her more. XD

Was doing my chem hw in front of tv today (wonders of wonders, I actually got something done even with an immense distraction!), and caught Kyou Kara Maou~ It was the ep where Konrad's arm flew off and the start of the Betrayal and Dramatic Flashbacks arc. And Murata does sound a whole lot like an old man.

Wait, no, that's not the point. The point is the Malay subbing was terrible. Entire sentences were twisted around, and stuff were mistranslated, and sentences were inserted. I just kept twitching at the subs. >.> I know I can turn it off, but kinda masochistic here I suppose. I mean, Ulrike saying that they were sending Yuuri back to his world got translated as "Bunuh Yuuri" and I'm wondering HOW THE HELL they misheard "send him back" as "kill him" @.@ <-- paraphrasing. I can't remember the exact subs and the exact corresponding dialogue. I just remember that I was completely baffled.

*heavy sigh*

And mistakes were scattered throughout the eps, and plagued other anime. I'm guessing they are translating from another language? Chinese subs maybe? Second-degree translations are usually screwed up... ("Uo-chan" --> Fish. It's a name! *twitch*)

Ah well...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My school has a ninjutsu club, and the founders of the club are my classmates. Today, they were making targets for shuriken training, so they bought a few pieces of styrofoam and drew the outline of one of their members on it. Then, the 'artist' *cough*filled in the features.

On the target, there were a pair of really tiny eyes, weird muscles, a six pec and balls and chinko. with pubic hair. WTF. The girls were laughing too hard, the guys were busy "dotdotdot"-ing, and then one of the guy ninjutsu members came in to observe the creation of the target, saw the ... questionably realistic work of art and started complaining that they "Got the size all wrong! It's unrealistic!"

It degenerated into an argument of "whose is bigger?" and "is the penis on the target erect or not at that size?" and "Why do you need such details anyway?" One of the more common question heard also, was, "Why isn't there a naked girl?" XDD

My poor monitor got curious when he came in, peered over the other styrofoam they used to cover their progress while drawing (despite the warnings by the guy population of the class) and went "dotdotdot *omg*" and started laughing too.

I really love my class. Crazy buncha people.. XD

Grandma went back to her hometown, which means lunch and dinner's gonna be a problem till she returns. I'll be driving to school alone starting next week~! I wonder if I can wake myself up. -_-; I usually sleep past two shrill alarm clocks and only wake when my father knocks on my door.

On top of my list of "to-get items" currently are:

1) Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell --> sounds interesting
2) More blank discs --> I run out of them so fast! >.<
3) Tactics 8
4) A better pair of headphones.
5) Holidays. *twitch*

animax, manga talk, rl

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