
May 30, 2006 19:34

Done watching Blood+ 31 and 32 and I knew it was going to happen because I couldn't stop myself from being spoiled, but it was still kinda ... ow.

It really was kinda cruel to Riku, and.. the whole Diva catching him thing and then giving him her blood didn't affect me that much. It was Riku breaking like Irene a few eps back. It was Riku's chunk of blood flying into Kai's hands, and of course, they had to have a fun time playing catch-the-ball together before this whole thing happened. Of course they'd have a brief happy-happy moment before shit hits them. I liked Riku. Gah. Yumi would know i guess. I like kids, and younger ppl, as long as they are not obnoxious and irritating.

And.. I wonder if Hagi and Saya would get stronger if they drank blood. I mean, Hagi is probably the weakest among the Chevaliers now that Riku's dead, and Saya hasn't been drinking for how long? 20+ episodes? I wonder if drinking Hagi's blood counts...

I guess it's a good thing I had Ouran ep 8 queued up to watch after Blood+. I wasn't crying, not even tearing up, but it was kinda... 'silence.. *watch the credits roll*' thing. Ouran 8 was kinda a disappointment, however. I think by taking out any references to Nekozawa, BONES had effectively killed 99% of the fun and crack. Sure, the whole Host Club are a bunch of fun insane ppl but Nekozawa! The skeletons at the beach! His Real Looks! Ah well, Kyouya without glasses is hot, and that's enough to keep me on Ouran. Here's hoping to future eppies done right.

Been reading more fics.

Russian Roulette: Crack X fic. I'll happily dig non-angsty X fics. Summary according to the author is "Kamui has set Subaru a seduction deadline. In which Subaru is angsty, Seishirou is paranoid and Kamui alone carries the crack through the dark night." Good for lifting up spirits after the depressing Blood+ 32.

Dinner~! Nothing like unhealthy lifestyle than my current lifestyle. Wake, Net, Eat, Net, Sleep. heh.

ouran, fic recs, anime talk, blood+

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