Sep 11, 2006 23:11
Okay so I get some money out of my last morris bart check and decide to go and get some earphones for the MP3 player Bobby gave me. Walk in with feenie, she drops off a camera and I pick out a cute little pair of ear buds that wind up and fold into a little case.
"oh wow! a cute case! and it will protect the earbuds from the dirty crap in my purse!"
So I purchase it and open it on the way to my evening Lab class. It looks simple enough, pull out the end that plugs into the stereo and pull the head peices in the opposite direction...
It does not work that way...I pull one..and the other pulls back...strange? I try the same thing on the other end, and the other end pulls back into the casing...well fuck...By the time we reach school I'm a mess of wires...
After class we return to walgreens to exchange it. The Cashier smiles and says, "I bought this...I smashed it open and took the headphones out ^-^;" I wanted to hug her.
SO I exchange the ear violating bastards for simple wrap aroudn the ear headphones, only to discover that ALAS TWICE! JUST MAYBE my ears are DEFORMED, which is why they dont seem to want to STAY WRAPPED AROUND MY EARS.
I also murchased some extra multimedia steros to plug intot he MP3 player and keep in my room...
IT CATCHES FUCKING RADIO SIGNALS...the raido is turned off and every outlet I plug it inot catches radio commercials from B97 and MAgic 101.9 -__-; I CANT HEAR KORN OVER THE GODDAMN RADIO GIVE AWAY...