So much for finishing the analytic essay this weekend...

May 04, 2009 00:43

 Or starting it...for that matter.

I got some work done on the graphic novel script (which I will hopefully be working on some more later) and got ahead with physics and astronomy. But nothing for the analytic essay or the seminar paper (which will be a HUGE pain in the ass this week/end).

Also signed up for a short orchestra thingie and shit I just remembered I have a sectional to direct on Tuesday crap...Ugh...fuck...

And Wolef and I just spent six hours watching the second half of Full Metal Panic Season 1 and most of TSR.

TSR is, if possible, even better than the original series. Actually, that might not be true. Season 1 had a lot more Chidori, significantly more highschool shenanigans and as a result, a lot more humour. But now that the characters have had all of season 1 to establish themselves, TSR really gives them a chance to develop. I'm really sympathetic towards most of them. Even Tessa, who I was on the fence about for awhile just because her voice was freaking annoying. But she was in the end of season 1 and she showed such dedication that I can't help having great respect for her. Plus it seems as though she's finally come to terms with the fact that Sousuke does not "like" her.

I suspect that the twins are incestuous lesbians...But that does not stop me from thinking that they are kind of awesome...and really scary. There was some killer animation in some of the battle scenes because of katana girl...and she really really scared me on multiple occassions.

Initially I was even kind of iffy about Sousuke because it seemed like his character (while sufficiently hilarious) was really simple and didn't have a whole lot of depth. TSR really gives him a chance to show some real...feelings I guess. Which he doesn't usually do. On a side note. I'm still really confused by his relationship with Gauron. It almost seems like they have a kind of perverse fascination with each other. They totally had a Metal Gear moment when Gauron was all "KASHIIIIIIMM" and Sousuke was all "GAUUUURROOON" and all I could think of was "SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE" "FOOOOXXXXXXX". And then they had an epic battle...Anyway, I think Gauron was either gay for him or had some kind of Joker "you complete me" complex...or they could be the same thing, hell I don't know.

And Leonard? Yes, you have gorgeous hair, and you're very pretty and very sophisticated, and we all know you're some kind of super-genius. And yes, your robot minions are made of awesome (I literally could not close my mouth for a whole minute when I saw he had robot minions). But I would like you a lot more if you would just accept the fact that YOU LIKE MEN.

As an awkward segue from that: Sousuke and Chidori are the ultimate adorable together. I don't care what anyone says. They're damn cute. And the haircut scene was awesome.

Kalinin is a badass old man.

Why is this show so awesome and addicting?


And I found a hilarious MGS vid which I am not going to post because I am gross and need to shower RIGHT NOW.

ramblings, anime, life, college

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