Dec 07, 2012 02:13
I often feel idiotic for speaking into the internet void. But then I remember that it's pretty much the only way I can sort my thoughts out. I don't have a lot of time to just shoot the shit with people. It's pretty much always about work work or schoolwork or how miserable our lives have been for the past few days or how miserable they're about to get. Engineers are a fatalistic bunch.
I ran into someone I hadn't spoken to in awhile in the engineering lab after my late class. I've known him for a pretty long time and in all honesty, he frequently acts like an ass. It's his tone of voice sometimes, his very scattered kitchen jokes, his tendency to overreact to minor inconveniences, to dramatize, to tug you around a bit in conversation. His personality is an acquired taste, which I've somehow managed to acquire. I'm not sure how. But I guess there are some people who you start talking to and you just somehow know that in the end, no matter what they find out about you, they won't really care and they'll still think you're pretty ace. And I suppose that's why we're friends.
Anyway I hadn't actually talked to him in awhile and we chatted for a few minutes during which time he jerked me around a little and expressed increasing frustration with the lab computers, the kind of intense frustration that makes you roll your eyes and turn your attention elsewhere when you observe it.
And then he asked me if I was okay. Was I sure? I seemed withdrawn lately: "I know I might just be imagining it but that's just what it feels like. Are you?"
And I only have one class with this guy this semester, and we don't even sit together.
It was nice.