Stolen from
liaku . Probably kind of outdated cause I've been reading really slowly since starting college.
Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
I kinda wish the Abhorsen series by Garth Nix had gone on longer; even though it was starting to fall off a little by the third book. It was obviously one of those POTC dealies where they made a first one and it did so well that they decided to make another two. But Sabriel was excellent and Lirael and Abhorsen were very good. I read them cover to cover in like a day or two when they came out. And I think I've read them twice or three times since.
I remember them seeming very genuine. That's the major factor that determines whether I like a book or not; whether it feels real or contrived. I don't know what gives the Abhorsen trilogy, or any book that quality, but they had it. And I loved it. I loved that the setting was very unique in its flavor of mythology. No random gods and such,and I'm pretty sure dragons were never mentioned (dragons got old a long time ago). The dominant mythology concerned death and the undead which (as everyone knows) I find pretty appealing. Nix came up with his own very technical brand of magic which was also a definite plus, cause I love technical. And I love me a good old "saaaave the wooooorld" story. As long as it's done right. And especially if it involves vanquishing undead. Lastly, it was fantasy, but I definitely never got a LOTR vibe from it. This, I really really really REALLY liked.
What I really want from the series isn't more books, its more story, preferably between the first and second books. I almost never get tired of hearing about decaying kingdoms and hordes of undead animates. And Mogget. I want more Mogget. He was my fav because I almost always love the deadpan snarker and the fact that he's a cat makes him that much snarkier.
The reason this is so long is because I'd much rather talk about books than study for physics.