Plague 2020 #1

Mar 22, 2020 11:06

The world has turned upside down.  No one in my direct circle is so far infected or sick, although an old friend from highschool who is a nurse in NM seems to have a light case and is home in isolation.  She was tested but still has no results.

Oklahoma is behind the curve on both infections and precautions.  I have had to go to work because the Dean is a short sited fool.  I hope someone sues the *:&$ out of him.  A small bit of good news is that starting on Monday my office will be working home/office on alternate days, at least for the next two weeks.  So I will be at home MWF, then TTh for the next two weeks, which is at least some reduction in exposure.  E should be working from home, but he will be going to his lab every day because he simply incapable of being home with nothing to do.  There will be no one there, b/c that department has sensibly sent everyone home for the forseeable future.  Classes are online for the rest of the semester.  So even with him going to work, he shouldn't really be exposed either.

This is just quickie update to tell everyone (all 2 of you?) that I am alive and OK, and to encourage anyone still reading to also update.  I will write more in a few days.  I promise.


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