Apr 15, 2018 14:58
I actually made some goals for 2018, so I thought I'd check in and see how I'md oing, given that we are nearly 1/3 of the way through the year.
1. Live in the present and try to enjoy it. (Instead of, oh, life will really start in August when we go to Prague kind of stuff.)
I should have made this more concrete, because I don't know how to evaluate how well I've done. I feel like I'm doing an OK job with this???
2. Pilates or yoga 100x this year (stealing the 100x a year idea from Mopie). This is part of a more general Take Care of Myself and Improve My Health type of goal, but more concrete.
I later amended this to some kind of workout 50X a year, and am doing great on this. I'm up to 25, I think. I've been doing an abs workout once a week since January, and need actually up it to twice a week, to continue to see results. About a month ago I started a very easy arms/weights workout twice a week, and am ready to increase my weights/reps on that as well. More importantly, I just *feel* better - much less overall soreness and aches and pains. I can sit cross legged again for hours at a time, which I was unable to do for awhile in the fall/winter, and I can walk 20 - 30 minutes with no problems. Now that the weather is nicer, I need to increase my walks.
3. Write more; specifically
3A. 50 online journal entries
This is entry #11, so I'm more or less on track.
3B. 3 completed pieces of any kind (academic, essay, chapter of a book, etc.)
I complete a draft of an essay/memoir thing - it's just a short piece, and nothing too exciting, but hey, I'm thrilled to have completed something.
3C. Continue paper journal, 2-3 entries a week (have been consistent with this since about July)
Have been mostly consistent with this - certainly I write once a week at a minimum, and often more.
So overall I'm pretty pleased with myself, especially with my small, but important health improvements. Yay me!