
Jun 05, 2017 16:13

 Today I learned that someone I dislike intensely has had a very horrible thing happen - their new born baby probably has some degree of brain damage from lack of oxygen during birth.  It's hard to believe this shit happens in this day and age.  At any rate, I still think this person is a jerk but now I feel guilty for thinking so.  I can't stop worrying about the baby - I do hope it turns out to be not so serious.

I'm also feeling guilty because I told my friend L I'd go see her this coming weekend while E is away.  I thought she was 3 or 4 hours away.  Turns out she is 5.5 hours away.  I suggested we meet sort of in the middle; I'd drive 3 hours, she'd drive 2.5.  She said she couldn't go that far away.  And I was like, I'm not driving that long just for an overnighter - sorry, but not for anything short of A) a booty call, or B) some awesome museum exhibit or maybe C) someone I haven't seen in years.  But not to go to some hick town in central Arkansas to see someone I already had to take a full day of vacation for to go her mom's funeral earlier this year.  If you can't meet me half way, then we'll have to reschedule.  But yeah, I feel guilty.  


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