1 down. 4 to go.

Nov 14, 2011 13:24

So I just got back from my first Comprehensive Exam.  (I have three scheduled this week, two next week.)  And, after all the worry and study and stress ... it went OK.  I certainly didn't cover myself in glory and write a brilliant document that will have them going, "Wow, this is the best comp answer EVAH," but on the other hand, I didn't cover myself in shame (at least I don't think I did).  Certainly I could have done better.  But I also could have done much much worse.  And this is the worst one. (I hope.  I scheduled the one I was most anxious about first.)

So.  I don't quite know what to do with myself.  Too fried to study for the next one.  Not hungry.  No actual friends in town, since they've abandoned me.  So I sit here on my couch and update LJ.  Yeah.  Winning at Life.


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