Sep 29, 2011 22:54
I didn't mean to go all radio silent on you and stop answering the nice comments earlier. Thank you for your concern! It's just that I have picked up vague illnesses from my short duration in the ER, primarily a sinus thing (probably from the oxygen and where have those hands been, eh, nurse?), and I never, never get actual sinus things with face pain and all. It wavered back and forth the whole week, not really getting worse but not getting any better either. Plus it took longer than I'd expected to shake off the morphine effects: dizziness and fatigue. I think I tried to accomplish too much.
In addition, now my mom is in the hospital back in Michigan. Her main problem really is that she's 86 and has been in poor health for years. She eats like a toddler: the same few foods over and over. For a while her doc has told her she's anemic, but she doesn't want to take any more pills, so she's ignored it. And when you ignore vitamin deficiencies, you'll be amazed to learn, they don't miraculously go away. Plus she's now got some other digestive issues, too. But probably the worst problem is that she's convinced herself she's got cancer because her sister died from it last year. We're supposed to go visit in 10 days to celebrate my mother-in-law's 90th b'day, but now Mom's strongly hinting I should drop everything and come take care of her if/when she gets out. So there's that hanging over my head.