Covid not corvid. Crows are good unless they are being bad. (^:

Mar 27, 2020 23:40

Home isolation is somewhat hard for an extrovert like myself, but luckily I have built up skills to handle and adapt. We can still go to the grocery store and some of the parks. It's easy to avoid people 6 feet away unless you are in line at the cashier to pay for food. We went for a long 45 minute walk at Greenlake Park today. Avoided the paths as many on skate boards and roller blades and joggers were on the main path. We stayed on the wide grass areas and walked through the trees admiring the flowers of yellow and pink. Some of the pine trees are amazing there. It is frustrating to not be able to pick up recycleables on the ground, but park staff will get them with gloves. I got organic cereal and V8 juice at the grocery store on the way home. My home gym got better today. I saw on Craigslist that there were some free large tires to be had. The ad didn't mention they were crossfit tires, but I guess the crossfit place in Redmond closed down and there were 8 large tires waiting. I got the 3rd smallest as it fit in my Nissan Leaf EV. Hopefully, it is over 100lbs so flipping will be a good workout. I put it in the backyard by the pullup bars and olympic rings and 126lb deadlift/landmine bar. My indoor weights are being used more often. 55lb kettlebell, 65lb dumbbell, bands, hand gripper, and others. I am still using Fitocracy and Goalify apps for recording exercises. Fitocracy has a nice website and chatboard community around the English speaking world. Not sure why they never set up other languages on the site. It would have helped me meet Portugese people. Oh our September Portugal vacation is up in the air as they say. We reserved the rental house long ago, but still a wait and see situation. The rental is Avora near Lisbon. We also have a two day stay in Lisbon. Some call it Lisboa. Not sure why the US adds the n at the end. Typo from long ago? Anyway, my mom and dad with their new partners will be there if the travel ban is lifted. For isolation relief, I joined two dress up facebook groups. Every so often a new theme for dress up is picked out of a bag of ideas and then a photo can happen if you have the clothes. Pretty fun so far. 3 theme photos done. 1. Capes. 2. Bohemian 3. Fancy shoes. For the shoes, I posed myself next to 4 British period piece movie dvds. Classy, but not pretentious thankfully. I have been watching a lot of youtube science shows as well as stand up comedy called DryBar. It is a channel of a Utah bar that has no alcohol. I really dig it because I feel the audience isn't affected by the drunken laughter and it feels more truthful humor to me anyway. Keeping hydrated, washing hands 20 times a day, eating home made hummous, everything bagels with cream cheese, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Lara bars, Amy's pizzas, home made sourdough bread and butter, popcorn, chia multigrain chips, and various cereals with flax milk. I've only seen one bumble bee in the yard. Too cold for bees I guess and the plum tree out front is losing the white flower petals. I hope it gets pollinated soon. Good news from Standing Rock, but I'll let you google that yourself. (^: Virtual giant manly warm hugs to you out there! ciao ciao
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