
May 01, 2018 03:09

Lately, I am trying to get the backyard and side garden set up. Spring is here and it feels great. Might not do pumpkins this year, but oh well we shall see.... Peas and beans are coming up already in the start tray. Last year, the garden was superb. 4 pumpkins last year I think and great squash and beans. Tomatoes have always been amazing. Not sure why people say they can't grow them in Seattle? Easy.

Went to Vancouver Canada with Jenn last week! Fun trip with two nights at a hotel. Hotel had a sweat lodge, but you needed to give 40 hours notice for it. I guess I missed that part of their website. It is an aborigone decorated hotel a block from the Chinatown gate. Gyoza was great down the street and the Black Bar was fun. Murakami was at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Very stylish and drippy bright. Made octopus stickers at a nearby printer called Digi something something. Took a few tries using the Starbucks free wifi down the street. I messed up the email address a few times. Jenn was confused at my printing plans.

Homeless in Vancouver never ask for money, but they suddenly run around when they think of something they need to do. Also, many of them look in each others bags when one of them is laying down asleep.

Walked the gas light road at night and during the day to see the difference. Stopped at an organic maple syrup store and bought some.

Time to go and brush teeth and floss. Dentist later this month and I want 4 visits without a drilling.

cheers, Jonathan
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