Oct 18, 2013 18:10
1. Soccer has been way way peaceful. I see other's getting very angry at refs or other players and it just doesn't seem to rattle me like it did in the hot summer. I love the cooler temperatures. We tied 3-3 last night and it was so nice to see that.
2. Did some weeding today and putting the garden to bed. Ate two blackberries and they were delish x2. (I know right ?) Also ate nasturtiums and mint and some lemon balm in that order. So good. I eat the greens for my eyesight in my right eye, but it does not seem to help things. Not sure why not. Went inside and drank water. Then came back to harvest garlic and the orange beets. It seems the beets need to be dug out of the soil a bit so they can expand some. The soil is too dense for them to bulk up. They need assistance. Not sure I need high maintenance beets in my life, but next year will be year one of the 4 year washed cow manure cycle so beets should probably only be done in years one and two. (^:= Then checked the squash and did not harvest as it is not ready. I might have to dig up all the wild strawberry. I like how it keeps the weeds down near the blue berry bushes, but I only got about 10 strawberries in that area. I got more strawberries from the wild ones on the deck in the rectangle bin!
3. Still have not set up the free xbox I got. I guess I am hoping someone I know will see it and say "Hey, I know how to set that up easily!" lol I got 6 games for it as well. They all seem to be 2006-2007 games.
4. The new Samsung Galaxy 3S is still purring a long just fine. I wish I could fine tune it in some ways, but it probably can't. I love how I can tap the microphone icon while texting and just talk. It types it all for me except for place names and person's names it sometimes just guesses funny words that sorta sound similar. I said the name Jeremy and it spewed forth gerund me. lol
5. I am reading a soccer book. Non-fiction. The World is a Ball. (John Doyle) Good stuff if you like soccer. Which I do. First chapter deals with the World Cup history and it being in Asia for the first time. (Japan). I guess the 1932 IOC and US Olympics Committees were not super interested in staging a huge soccer event during all the other olympic events. So the World Cup FIFA 4 year event really took off after that. And they purposefully set the event up to not conflict with the Olympics.
6. Since I did garden stuff today, Jen has decided to mess with insulation in the attic. I got enviro insulation. It is made of old jeans material shredded up into bats. Nice blue color and does not hurt the lungs to breathe it. She is making noise up there now with her rollerblade knee pads.
7. I am loving the Fitocracy cell phone app again after a long hiatus. I took the break as the old phone hd got full and would not update most any of the apps. Fitocracy has added way more exercises to their list, but they still need to add some descriptions on a few. But in a way, if it is blank then I have to search for it on youtube and in some ways it is easier to watch someone else do something and copy them, than read a so so description of said motion.
8. I got to play xylene in Scrabble two days ago. Big points! lol
9. My handicapped clients all seem to be doing better these days. Not sure if the summer helped them or they just go through longer up and down cycles than other people in my life. One client loves soccer so I go over early to watch it with him off the clock. His cousin moved in this summer and has cleaned way more than I have been given hours for. He had his 30 year anniversary of being run over by a car in the crosswalk in Boston. He said it took him 5 years to not be bitter about being paralyzed from the chest down. Another client was one I had before. He went into an "Old folks home" or a long term rehab death camp building. He did not like having a roommate and he seemed to be the happiest person in the building, so it stood to reason that he "wanted out". He told his son he was getting out so he is now back into the Rotary Apartments a few doors down from where he was before. I have written a few of his childhood stories on paper. I should type those up on the computer for safe keeping in the cloud. My other client now has two care givers, so that is extra helpful for vacations for all concerned. He has the best computer and cell phone money can buy, but shockingly I am not jealous of his life being paralyzed. They all bring a strong clarity of sanity to me and in general give me pause to be thankful on a weekly basis rather than yearly before I became a care giver aka IP aka home care aide aka paid pseudo-medical companion aka food-pill dispenser friend. (^:=