
May 27, 2013 02:43

1. I found this website the other day.
It has baby names for 1890's. I was taking photos for a volunteer job I do for
people doing their family tree, and I saw a grave marker for Fay and Irene. I
was stopped in my tracks as Fay was born in 1892 and was this some gay couple
way back then ? But it turns out that Fay was a man's name at the time. And if
you look through the website, there are many names that used to be for men, and
don't seem to be used anymore except for women. I am still looking for a woman's
name that slowly was taken over by men. *smile Some of the names appropriated
by little girls are: Jessie, Leslie, Charley, Sidney, Lonnie, Pearl, Allie,
Cleo, Sandy, Florence, Shelby, Lacy, Madison, Vivian, Tracy, Hallie, Jodie,
Augustine, Bernie, Paris, and Rene. I think the Martha is a typo in the wrong

2. I think it is hilarious that people think the IRS was controlled by Obama and
that they targeted Tea Party groups. Total lie. First, at the time of the incident,
the IRS was run by a George W Bush appointee. Second, who stands to benefit the most
from Tea Party decreases ? The Republican Party. If you recall, at the time, the
Tea Party was winning seats away from middle of the road Republicans not Democrats.
Where are Tea Party front runners and office winners ? In previously regular Republican
districts. Lastly, as explained by Stephen Colbert, the Tea Party 501 C 4 people did
not ever need to file with the IRS. No reason to. No law that said they had to. They
seem to not have read the forms correctly.

3. I went to the Seattle International Film Festival tonight with Kelly. She got 12
tickets for being a member of SIFF and for volunteering. Before each film/shorts, there
was a cute/silly/wacky short thanking the SIFF volunteers with old movie clips that
were re-edited in odd ways. After each one, the audience applauded the volunteers.
One volunteer outside the SIFF was witness to a car crash into a pole. The person had
not set the emergency brake and it rolled across the street with no one in the car.
Luckily a person yelled in time and a person standing near the pole was saved. The
SIFF film shorts were all good except one French one. The best one for me was a Brit
one of a midnight inner city diner of young people who all seemed to be sleep deprived
yet chatty and also dark and light commentary on how strangers communicate. Yet there
were a few touching scenes of friends interacting as well. Another cool film short
seemed to be made entirely of raw pasta. (Which was cooked and eaten at the end of the
short after the credits rolled.) The short was called Noodle Fish. Here is a preview
of the film short on You Tube.

4. **insert private musings that are too private for

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