Let's Take Shower With The Ballplayers!

Oct 17, 2005 00:52

The White Sox are going to WORLD SERIES! I'm so fucking excited. Granted, I'm a CUBS fan, but... I'm from Chicago, so sure.. why not! This is like the most exciting tihng ever since Michael Jordan and the Bulls.. Oh, yeah and when the Cubs were so close to going to the World Series, but... yeah stupid fucker had to catch the ball from the seats when it could have been caught by an outfielder.

Seven Years Ago

How old were you? 14
What grade were you in? 8th grade/Freshman
Where did you go to school? Westmont Junior High & Hinsdale South High.
Where did you work? I was a professional actor, so.. theaters, I suppose.
Where did you live? That was when I moved from Berwyn to Lyons.
How was your hair style? Just short.. I dyed my hair blonde for the first time at 14.
Did you wear braces? No. I was supposed to have one, though.
Did you wear contacts? No.
Did you wear glasses? No, I let it sit ontop of my dresser and gather dust.
Who was your best friend? Vinny (who was formerly known by a different name at the time), Gia, Jessica B., and Ryan.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? My long and turbulent relationship with Chris began (but it wasn't an open nor stable relationship at the time).
Who was your celebrity crush? I probably thought Justin Timberlake was cute or something, but I clearly remember I had the hots for Milla Jovovich.
Who was your regular-person crush? Chris.
Were you a virgin? Yeah.
How many piercing did you have? Zero.
How many tattoos did you have? None.
What was your favorite band? I thought N' Sync, BSB, and the Spice Girls were pretty hot.
What was your biggest fear? That my friends would hate me when they find out I like boys... I was also afraid of the closet, I could never sleep with the closet open (that has nothing to do with coming out, mind you).
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? Yes.
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? I didn't get drunk until LATER on in my life, but I did get high.
Had you driven yet? No.
If so what car(s) did you use? --
Which of your pets were still alive? Madonna and Rocky, the chinchillas.
Which members of your family were still alive? My Grandma from Dad's side of the family.
Which members of your family were not born yet? Everyone was born by then.
Where did you chill on the weekends? Wherever my friends were or in my room.
You feel old now don't you? Haha, please.


To achieve the incredible you have to attempt the impossible.
- A League of Their Own
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