[ooc: profile]

Jul 27, 2009 16:02

Character Name: Cloud Strife
Canon: FFVII
Point taken from canon: Post-FFVII (playstation), pre-Advent Children (movie)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Preferred Village: Kumogakure


While Cloud might appear to slouch and be disinterested while at rest, he has a lazy confidence about him that could make someone sizing him up wary. It's clear at a glance that he's no stranger to his weapon, and his conservative, battle-ready dress is another giveaway even despite the slight figure belying his true strength. He can be alert without seeming keen, and one of the most obvious things about his general behaviour is how closely he watches his surroundings; his bright blue eyes that shine with a not-altogether human light can at times be unnerving. When the Jenova cells in his body are under manipulation or otherwise behaving abnormally, his eyes can shift to a blue-green colour with constricted, cat-like slit pupils.

Cloud's most striking physical feature is his hair. An unnatural-looking pale yellow-blonde, it perpetually sticks up with gravity-defying persistence, giving him a spiky halo of hair that frames his face. His features are at odds with his fighter's appearance; delicate, almost, he has an innocent natural beauty that's almost feminine.


After a childhood spent growing up in the mountainous region of Nibelheim, Cloud set off for the big city of Midgar to make his name as a famous hero in the ShinRa company's elite military unit, SOLDIER. During the course of his employment with ShinRa, Cloud comes into contact with several well-known and respected SOLDIER members such as Zack and the legendary Sephiroth. However, unbeknownst to all he'd promised his fame and fortune to, Cloud failed to enter SOLDIER.

Ashamed of his inability, Cloud offers his services as an "ex-SOLDIER" mercenary for hire, eventually coming into contact with the anti-ShinRa resistance group, AVALANCHE, where he is also reunited with childhood friend, Tifa Lockheart. Since he's suddenly pitted against his former employer, doubts are cast upon his trustworthiness as well as his motivations for doing so, which appear on the outside to be money-related. However, as Cloud affects a series of vague, bitter recollections of his time with the company in addition to uncharacteristic bouts of compassionate bravery, his usefulness within the group is assured.

Events conspire, too, to bring Cloud close to one Aeris Gainsborough, a former romantic interest of deceased SOLDIER operative Zack Fair, a person who Cloud considered a close friend. His subsequent involvement with AVALANCHE and Aeris's entanglement with ShinRa lead the group to be more directly involved together; a camaraderie that only solidifies and strengthens with Aeris's death at the hands of ex-SOLDIER operative and legendary hero, Sephiroth.

During the course of his association with AVALANCHE, he expands upon his relationship to Sephiroth - a new and apparent menace to the planet whom AVALANCHE become increasingly entangled with - during his time in SOLDIER. However, in time the resistance group, and Tifa with them, come to learn that Cloud's recollections are false; amalgamated from his own shame and denial of past events, the memories of his friend Zack and those that Tifa has shared with him, along with the manipulation of others. This all comes to light after a harrowing series of events culminating in Aeris's death. Prior to her murder, Sephiroth displays an uncanny ability to manipulate Cloud, confounding his false memories and affecting his behaviour to influence him in the handing over of a dangerous artifact that is instrumental in endangering the entire planet. Sephiroth also displays this power over Cloud's behaviour when he attempts to force the mercenary to kill Aeris himself.

The truth about Cloud's amalgamation of false memories comes to light only after a great earthquake separates him from the group, casting him into the lifestream - the very essence of the planet itself. The remaining members of AVALANCHE find him in a catatonic, vegetative state in a Southern resort town, confined to a wheelchair and incapable of sensible speech. Catapulted into the lifestream again during another of the vicious earthquakes, childhood friend Tifa aids Cloud in working through his false memories, gradually uncovering the truth about his past.

It emerges that Cloud did in fact join ShinRa's army, and fight alongside 1st class SOLDIER operative Zack against the hero-turned-madman Sephiroth. However, their assignment to defeat Sephiroth was merely part of a cover-up orchestrated by ShinRa itself, who subjected the survivors - Cloud included - to various genetic experiments. It was the implantation of alien cells into his body that not only allowed Sephiroth to control and influence Cloud's behaviour, but also played a part in disrupting his memories. The cells' power to duplicate genetic information resulted in Cloud's assumption of SOLDIER Zack's personality traits after the other died outside Midgar, telling the younger man to "live both their lives". It was in this duplicate state that Tifa found Cloud, dressed in his friend's SOLDIER uniform, and asked him to aid AVALANCHE.

His own personality gradually resurfaces as he adapts to his role as reluctant leader of AVALANCHE, though he is still prone to bouts of anger and broodiness. However, he at last discovers a sense of companionship among those around him, and through his own efforts and the help of his newfound friends, AVALANCHE manage to single-handedly accomplish feats of great proportion, not only putting Sephiroth to a final end, but also aiding in the successful aversion of disaster for the planet itself.

Cloud's false memories center around events prior to his introduction to AVALANCHE. Due in large part to the Jenova cells' ability to replicate genetic data, and the stress his body was put through during secret experimentation, Cloud came to believe that he had been a 1st class SOLDIER operative before he went mercenary. He believes that he knew, and worked with, legendary SOLDIER Sephiroth, imagining himself in the place of his best friend, Zack. Due to inconsistencies between his false memories and the recollections of people involved, he is then led to believe that he is a failed genetic clone of Sephiroth himself. The consistency with which he has been made to believe different things about himself have left him confused and wary of what the 'truth' is, prone to bouts of self-disbelief and untrusting of not just the world around him, but himself in addition.


Cloud's personality is difficult to ascertain, being that so much has happened to influence and distort it. At first glance he can seem standoffish, reluctant to talk, even lacking in emotion or personality at all. Generally, he's a reserved and dispassionate individual. Most of this is due to his own lack of self-worth, a distrust of himself and his abilities that creates this gloomy aura about him. He's prone to not wanting to get involved with things, even affecting a bitter distaste for altruism bordering on callousness.

In truth, the icy exterior is, at best, a carefully constructed facade designed to protect him from further failure. Rather than try and fail to protect the things he cares about, Cloud seeks to find reason not to try in the first place. His disappointment in himself is alleviated, he thinks, by convincing himself and others that he never cared for anything or anyone to begin with.

Though his gloomy pallour can be difficult to shift, if he's pushed far enough he'll start to show his true colours; anger is the easiest emotion to induce, particularly if a chord is struck in him. The anger, too, covers up his guilty passion. In actuality, he still clings to his childhood desire to be a hero, to be righteous and strong enough to protect those he cares for. The result of all the failures in his life - beginning with his failure to be chosen for SOLDIER - is a jaded, bitter disappointment in himself and the world around him. Rather than believe, and be further disappointed, Cloud finds it easier to convince himself that he never hoped for anything better.

However, this desperate attempt to balance the wrongs in his life only leads to further emotional turmoil; deep down inside, he knows it's not right, and wishes he had the strength and self belief to make a difference. As it is, he finds it difficult to act except where his ire or passion have been provoked. If he, damaged goods as he is, is really the only hope for a situation, he sees no choice but to act. Nevertheless, anything he an accomplish during these moments of fierce will is still tarnished in his mind when the threat recedes, never convincing Cloud of his ability to affect positive results in the world around him.

Elusive though the "real" Cloud is, there are indeed times when he lets his guard down. With those he knows and cares for, it's easier for him to play the part of the reluctant hero, lending him an arrogant and at times boisterous air.

Trust in others is only earned with difficulty where Cloud is concerned, and his jaded attitude towards the world in general is an obstacle that has to be overcome for anyone who wants to pierce his mental armour. While he can - and will - rise to a challenge, succeeding in getting him to lend himself to a cause that he feels himself unfit for requires feats of patience.

At heart, his self-imposed isolation makes him lonely, but he lacks the strength of will and conviction in his own feelings to reach out to others. Even those closest to him are often held at arm's length. This can at times seem like distrust, even, though in reality it's yet anther protective measure for Cloud, who believes himself unfit to be a friend or companion to anyone. He doesn't respond well to praise, and finds it difficult to accept credit for achievements, so mired as he is in his disbelief of self. His buried and split personality, tampered with as it was, has left him convinced of his own impotence, and untrusting of his every feeling and memory. The world proved itself completely inverted time and time again in his past; why should he believe what he sees and feels, or even the very thoughts that echo inside his head?


Cloud's military past lends itself to a general physical fitness, enhanced by the genetic manipulation he experienced. Though he failed to qualify for the elite military unit SOLDIER, Cloud was subjected to many of the same enhancements that their operatives receive, namely "showers" of pure energy distilled from the life force of the planet itself. In addition to this unnatural alteration, he was injected with cells from an alien organism that crash-landed onto the planet 2,000 years prior to the modern day. These cells can affect monstrous changes in a host, including inhuman strength and stamina. Further down the line, a genetic breakdown of these cells can lead to the development of wings, though Cloud has never shown any of these genetic mishaps.

Being physically fit to a level above average for a normal human, Cloud can wield oversize weapons with ease, with beyond average stamina. However, he still tires like any other person.

Spherical, glass-like crystallisations called "materia" can be utilised to produce "magic". However, no inherent magical ability is required in the use of these artifacts, and without them Cloud is the same as anyone else, and unable to cast spells.

Cloud is certainly a capable fighter, having made it to ShinRa's army initially and fought as the leader of the resistance group AVALANCHE. As such, he's versed in tactics as well as combat, enough to make him a worthy adversary. However, unless his ire is provoked or a need to protect others evoked in him, he will go out of his way not to fight. More often than not, he ends up drawn into battle whether he wants to or not, but until such a time as he is irrecoverably engaged, he relies on the mere appearance of his weapon to act as a deterrant.


Cloud is a formidable fighter and a dangerous enemy, but he is only human. Wielding the Buster Sword saps him of stamina faster than a fighter with lighter weapons, and in a prolonged battle his reactions become slower as time wears on.

While Cloud generally affects a cold, apathetic disposition even in battle, if he's sufficiently angered or taunted he can get careless. While in this state, his attacks may hit harder, but he's more likely to leave careless openings for an enemy, or forget to cover his comrades. He will be entirely focused on the source of his anger and paying less attention to his surroundings.

Due to his past, Cloud is more susceptible than most to mental and emotional manipulation. Should someone get under his skin enough to touch those parts of him that aren't entirely certain of himself, his general state of mind would be extremely vulnerable. Though not much is known about why it happens or how to control it, the Jenova cells in his body also leave him open to physical manipulation. This seems to happen when he comes into contact with others who share the same, alien Jenova cells, or at times of great stress. On his left arm, Cloud bears the marks of 'Geostigma', a disease about which not much is known. However, if he over-exerts himself, the Geostigma can cause him great pain and even cause him to pass out.

Defining Quote(s):

From the game:

"My memory... Since when? If everything is a dream, don't wake me. I'm afraid... I'm afraid to find out the truth. But.... Why? What if all the memory was just a lie?"

From my Cloud:

"From an early age I always knew I was no-one's hero.

The sum of my twenty-three years have provided me only with affirmation of this. So many hollow promises made just to keep the featureless faces that swim in and out of my life from making it any more difficult.

Recently it's begun to dawn on me that I can't even be my own martyr. I couldn't honestly tell you if this taint, this so called "Geostigma", is but an outer manifestation of how empty I am on the inside. Apathy blights my skin like a cancer."


Cloud is extremely reluctant to display any kind of emotion at all, let alone affection; he's never been very good at it, even at times when he's wished he were. He's passive enough in a normal mental state to receive whatever affection he might be given, be that physical contact, jostling, joking or even hugs (and kisses, if you can surprise him with them) but he would never go out of his way to impose the same thing on others. If he is in a particularly low or agitated mental state, he most likely would shy away from physical contact with others.

Third Person Writing Sample:

Before he'd even opened his eyes, Cloud could smell the flowers.

It was a comforting, familiar smell; one he remembered from times past, one that told him not to worry, he was safe, he was at peace. But the grass and loam beneath him niggled at the outer edge of consciousness, as though he were hearing words through a thick gauze, words at odds with the peacefulness he felt.

With a considerable effort of will, Cloud forced his eyes open and pushed himself into a sitting position, a hand to his head to steady the woozy sense of 'otherness' he felt. It was as though his dream had encroached upon his waking self, painting flowers and fertile earth all around him, underneath him - more than that. It had gone further, envisioning a collossal willow tree and a waterfall, all manner of birds and beasts the like of which Cloud knew didn't roam around here.

Here. The word startled him out of his daze, and he stood up as fast as his tired muscles would allow, spinning around. 'Here' was decidedly not where he'd gone to sleep. Gone was the low house he was jsut starting to feel worthy of calling 'home'. Gone was the field and its encroaching forestry behind. Gone were the buildings, the dusty road.

Instinct took over and he froze, letting his senses become adjusted. Slowly, slowly, the cacophany of unfamiliar sounds faded into background noise; birds, insects, the rustle of the breeze through bamboo, the splashing of water as it moved through its natural course. There was nothing to feel alarmed about, the noises told him.

Nothing to feel alarmed about. Except for the fact that once again, Cloud had woken up somewhere alien.


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