ARTHUR(défi lake)
30 years old; xx/xx/1980 ( Capricorn )
➜ POINTMAN with occasional roles as ARCHITECT - whether by supporting the architect already on payroll or devising entire levels.
➜ Military experience: combat training, FN SCAR-L assault rifle which was in demo tests starting in 2007 up but wasn't accepted for service until 2009, general intimate knowledge and maintenance of the PASIV device and its history with the government.
➜ Cobb’s longtime and most trusted colleague. TOTEM involves a history with Mal besides the blatantly obvious. Not everyone involved in dreamshare has a totem, it seems to be more associated as the Cobbs' idea.
"Arthur. Reliable as it gets. That's what makes him a good point man. He didn't see her. If he did, he'd pull the plug. Reliability has to go both ways."
➜ The guy's so East Coast it hurts.
“Arthur is the organized one, the one making sure everything is in its right place. The way I see it, Cobb is the artist and Arthur is the producer. He’s the one saying, ‘Okay, you have your vision; now I’m going to figure out how to make all the nuts and bolts work so you can do your thing.’ But as fastidious and professional as he is, Arthur didn’t want to apply his organizational skills to being a lawyer or doctor or any of the things he could have been because sharing dreams is fascinating. It’s not just a job for him. I think the technology of dream sharing is something that has inspired him since he first heard about it so, ultimately, it’s not the money he’s doing it for. He wouldn’t risk his life for a good paycheck. He loves it.”
“Because his mind is so organized and stable, Arthur is often used as the dreamer for secondary dream levels.”
“...projects the physical expression of that through his movements and expressions. And that’s good because there was definitely a very physical component to playing Arthur.”